do mental disorders make you an inferior person.... ?

Nope. One of my best buds has Tourettes Syndrome, ADD, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. 3 mental disorders. He is one of the coolest people I know. he has a 3.8gpa in college he is over in Italy right now for this semester. Learning the language and the culture. He is gonna make something of himself one day.
When I read the thread title i first thought it said: do metal disorders make you an inferior person.... ?
But mental disorders don't make you less of a person, it only sometimes makes it harder to communicate. E.g. my cousin and me used to be very good buddies, until she got hit by a car and got into a coma; when she came out her mental capacities were reduced severely....I couldn't talk to her as I had done before, she was just another person. Damnit, we were really GREAT buddies, we used to be consumed for hours by playing merely with teddybears...damn!
it can change how others see you, but i dont think i makes you any less of a person.
Well, I guess it makes you inferior. At least you're not as complete as the rest of people is, as some would see, but I don't think that one deserves to be treated as an inferior for the mere fact of being one.

Society is cruel, and if we respect the human form, we have to respect it regardless of its perfectness (or wholeness) or the lack of it. So, yes, it's not that I think so, but being inferior makes you inferior in the eyes of the current society we're living in.
........ all these nice big words, and no one i've ever met acts like they agree with that. not even my family.

the past 7 or 8 years of my life have been nothing but hospitals, medications, psychiatrists, sedatives, being strapped to a fucking madhouse bed, repeated suicide attempts (2 of which i barely survived and left me with some permanent physical health issues) this is the result of a hideous extremely painful condition that was not treated until i was about 20 and which finally forced me to stop college and completely disabled me. i can't work, or study, or drive a car, or do mostly anything normal people can. people don't understand that because physically i am relatively ok...... so i'm on welfare for years now, alone in appartment, no job, no girlfriend, no friends, no hope for anything to change in near or far future. i'm fucking game over, i'm a dead weight to carry for everyone, and i still continue to live only to avoid hurting my family.

my pain is constant and sharp, and i do not hope for a better world for anyone.
Not to sound all mushy and stuff but if you are still alive delt, then that means one thing, you aren't suppose to go yet. I believe that everyone has a purpose in live and whether or not that purpose is recognized(remembered) is up to the willingness of the individual. If you pay close attention to the events and people in your life, and act in a positive selfless mannor, things may start to make sense if you are paying attentio to the clues that are there and always have been there.
yeah i'd like to be positive and all, but if you ask me the question "where do you see yourself in X years" i wouldn't exactly say "miraculously cured, suddenly living a normal life"............

and what about the only girl who ever loved me, was she meant to "not be here anymore" ? was she supposed to burn to death?

excuse me but there is no justice or god or whatever meaning to anything in this fucking bag of dog shit called reality. "what goes around comes around" sadly, is complete bullshit, crime does pay, and the rich get richer while poor people starve to death.
delt said:
yeah i'd like to be positive and all, but if you ask me the question "where do you see yourself in X years" i wouldn't exactly say "miraculously cured, suddenly living a normal life"............
The future doesn't effect you now so it doesn't matter in 10 years, what matters is now.

delt said:
excuse me but there is no justice or god or whatever meaning to anything in this fucking bag of dog shit called reality. "what goes around comes around" sadly, is complete bullshit, crime does pay, and the rich get richer while poor people starve to death.
Rich people tend to be unhappy. You cannot buy the most important thing and that is Love. Crime only pays the EGO, and hurts others, it is selfish and self defeating. Not only do you lose respect from people but ultimately you lose respect for yourself, even if they don't seem it.

Reality is subjective, and as such you can shape it anyway you want to. Just don't let others do it for you.
delt said:
yeah i'd like to be positive and all, but if you ask me the question "where do you see yourself in X years" i wouldn't exactly say "miraculously cured, suddenly living a normal life"............

and what about the only girl who ever loved me, was she meant to "not be here anymore" ? was she supposed to burn to death?

excuse me but there is no justice or god or whatever meaning to anything in this fucking bag of dog shit called reality. "what goes around comes around" sadly, is complete bullshit, crime does pay, and the rich get richer while poor people starve to death.
I hate that question: "where do you see yourself in X years" - it's like you're expected to answer something positive, something your wish or hope for. I can perfectly understand (and you have the choice here to believe me or not) that your hope is completely gone and you cannot answer this question in a positive way. But why is that a bad thing? You're in a position where you have had (and still have) some really painful experiences and your feelings about hope, a normal life, etc, are perfectly normal for someone in your situation. There's no need to adapt or change or whatever, but it would help if you find some people who have similar experiences I think. Maybe, there are forums on the net where you can meet such people...