do mental disorders make you an inferior person.... ?

Delt, don't say you don't have any friends. We all love you and if I lived near you I'd without a doubt have bought you many a beer...however all this space in the world won't allow me to meet the people I would like to meet. I hate THAT.
But anyway, I don't understand your position, considering the favt that I have no handicap (I might be a manic-depressive because it runs in the family, but it appears that I am so lucky to have escaped it, thankfully) and I'm not gonna say sober up 'cause that probably means very little to you. I just wanted to say that I care and I hate bad things happening to good people, that's all.
Same here dude. I'd totally be boozin, chattin, havin fun. You are our bud. Net or not, you can still be a buddy.

I dont think any sort of disorder or disease or anything makes you less of a person. I have plenty of friends that have things they need to take medication for...i dont treat them any less. Hell, in my family, I can't think of one instance of a member that I remember dying of a natural cause. Some got old, sure, but some didn't, like my brother. It seems to be either cancer, diabetes, kidney problems, or heart problems that run ramapant in my family. Part of me wonders which one I am gonna end up with, or am I gonna get something new? I am already kinda sugar sensitive and I don't take care of it like i should(Ie, i am not diabetic, my body can handle sugar, but too much sends it into spaz overload, and I tend to burn it kind of slow...I used to burn it fast, and I have some of the other things associated with diabetics, like eating and still being hungry, but not gaining weight, lots of water drinking, pissing every half hour, etc.) But cos of this part of me just wants to live every day that I can in case I end up with some sort of whatever. I also had similar nerve damage done to my arm like Dave Mustaine had, severely limiting my guitar capability anymore...sometimes i am ok, but the fingers are weak and are hard to get stronger. Mentally i think i am ok(well, my friends might say different :p ;) ) but i got my own issues.

But in the end, it don't matter if you are missing an arm, have trouble with something, etc, you are who you are, ya know? Hell, good ol Christopher Reeve was taken care of totally for nearly 10 years and he would have kept living if the heart attack didnt stop him. But he kept going in a situation that I sure as hell couldnt have, but stories like that help out, I think.
i dont remember everything that's on my file, but what started it all is a chemical disbalancement in my brain which is hereditary (from my mom's side) that caused heavy hypertension, agoraphobia, psychosis, and depression/burn-out problems that got worse over the years until i completely collapsed.
It only makes you inferior if you're one of those horrible little Korn kids who wear t-shirts with shit like... 'u R juS jelOs coZ da voiCez r taLkiN 2 me' in the hopes people will think you're unique and a bit insane.