Do you as a metal listener look down upon other genres of music/their fans?

people who say that metal is "noise" and a less valid form of music, need to kicked square in the nuts.

And therein lies the irony, because you did the exact same thing to other music genres in your starting post and that is exactly what I'm talking about. Metalheads like to slag off other genres of music that they generally know little about (other than the pop-segment bands, which is equivalent to someone else basing their opinion on what metal sounds like from listening to Korn and Slipknot), but when someone says metal is "all dumb noise that takes no skill" or something they get their panties in a bunch.
And it's okay if they do that, without even listening to metal? Heck, I've listened to umpteen hiphop and trance songs, but there's absolutely nothing that I can comprehend in there. And no, I'm not an elitist or whatever.
I have respect for anyone who has found a passion for any music not born simply from the culture that surrounds them and the image they wish to project. I have found metal, if others find classical, rock, or white noise, then good on them. The 'metal culture' seems about as worthy of respect as any other though, there's a lot of intolerance and elitist bullshit involved.
I pretty much just listen to metal. I don't make friends based on the fact they like metal, but it does help.

I won't discriminate on other forms of music or genres of metal i don't like, unless it is some dickhead trying to tell me that the best drummer in the world is tommy lee, and jimmy hendrix owns all guitarists.

When they start spinning this shit you can't not take on the "i'm superior because i listen to metal" persona.
I pretty much just listen to metal. I don't make friends based on the fact they like metal, but it does help.

I won't discriminate on other forms of music or genres of metal i don't like, unless it is some dickhead trying to tell me that the best drummer in the world is tommy lee, and jimmy hendrix owns all guitarists.

When they start spinning this shit you can't not take on the "i'm superior because i listen to metal" persona.
Or how about idiots who say that rap is for cool people and metal is for goth outcast losers. One guy was once trying to tell me that, and I told him that if he didn't shut the fuck up I'd beat the shit out of him. I probably shouldn't have let it piss me off that much. But it's stupid stereotypes from shows like Bevis and Butthead that make people think stuff like that.
Cross-posting this from another forum.

Do you?

Well, I don't to a great extent... Metal has made me more 'musically enlightened', so to speak... but I still abhor trance, hiphop and pop, and the fans who speak like they're the ultimate authority about music. It's sacriliegious to call those genres music, IMHO.

Post your views.

I might, but I wont go around telling people that who like those style of music that. I'll keep my opinion to myself.
Not at all. I've come across many people with same basic attitude, approach and passion towards music as myself whose tastes just happen to be completely different. I can better relate to someone like this than, say, someone who just happens to like all the same bands as me because their peers or family were all into it. Really, the particular music is often secondary to my relating to and respecting someone.

Even when I can't relate to someone musically or carry on a conversation at all, it's a bit far-fetched to say I don't respect or look down on them. Everyone's got a different approach, and most people are only casual listeners. I can't really hold it against someone if they're just not into music enough to look beyond whatever crap is on the radio.
I can't really hold it against someone if they're just not into music enough to look beyond whatever crap is on the radio.
Agreed...except there are waaaaaaaaaay too much people who are like this imo.

Also I think you can't help feeling elitist when there are so few people who have even heard of certain forms of music such as is the case in underground metal. This is also true of true music lover's, which are hard to come by, of course they should feel like they are part of something better than just listening to some shitty pop music from some megacorporation which isn't even written by the musicians...
I despise all worthless pop music

garbage pop rap, That reggaeton nonsense, pop, pop punk, etc...

but outside of shitty pop music - I have respect for all genres of music

I'm mainly a metal fan and a casual hip hop fan (immortal technique old tupac old nas etc...)
If I had to listen to pop or rap would choose pop. Rap music is the worst form of music on the planet. can't stand it

rappers just talk. it's so fucking retarded
I look down on stupid people who don't seek to improve themselves. I don't really give a crap about what they listen to.

Sometimes I do look at some people, who are into some shitty stuff down though. But then I try to chill out and put into my head that its a choice of everyone and they have a right on it, and that the music they listen to, doesnt make them good or bad. But then I come back to a thought that its fucking bullshit and they are all retards and fucking idiots :)

Sometimes I do look at some people, who are into some shitty stuff down though. But then I try to chill out and put into my head that its a choice of everyone and they have a right on it, and that the music they listen to, doesnt make them good or bad. But then I come back to a thought that its fucking bullshit and they are all retards and fucking idiots :)