Do you as a metal listener look down upon other genres of music/their fans?

I think the main reason metalheads are such elitists is because there's not many of us and day after day we have to deal with fucks who think KISS FM is the be all end all of music.
1. Country sucks

Only last month did I run into a country band I like called Tracy Lawrence. Not sure if I can agree with that therefore but your opinion

Originally Posted by Décadent
ANYONE who lets something like their musical tastes dictate their personality, behaviour or lifestyle should be looked down upon.

I disagree. People's personalities change a lot with music. Like mine I'm a lot meaner than I used to be now that I listen to metal.
Wynton Marsalis feels that way about jazz and classical. But it might also be worth noting that he's one of the biggest douchebags I've ever met.

as are most jazz and classical musicians. stupid stuck up Mensa rejects.
you are a fucking retard

I suggest you think about what I said before making asinine assumptions as such. I did not say jazz and classical were bad forms of music, just the attitudes of the musicians performing it.
I suggest you think about what I said before making asinine assumptions as such. I did not say jazz and classical were bad forms of music, just the attitudes of the musicians performing it.

What kind of attitudes are people suppose to have ?
I really enjoy dealing with people who have a real passion for music, in whatever form. Those who casually listen to shit on the radio are not those people, but it's not the end of the world; we might have something else in common.

Same here. That about sums it up for me. I used to be "metal and nothing but the metal and anyone who doesn't like it is a wanker" years ago, but that really is a very restricting and immature way to be. And it's the same in every scene. The Psytrance scene for example is very similar, it's full of people who think that they've discovered the ultimate form of music, and the fact that it's underground gives them a sense of smug superiority, like they're in an exclusive club.

People's personalities change a lot with music. Like mine I'm a lot meaner than I used to be now that I listen to metal.

That's the most moronic thing I've ever read on an internet forum. Congratulations.
jazz and classical musicians and metal musicians should have a good amount of respect for each other, not looking down their noses at one another.

Well obviously. Stop generalising. How do you know that all Jazz and Classical musicians are "stupid stuck up Mensa rejects"? You're being as closed minded as anyone who says metal is stupid noise.

The same goes for The Greys. Hip Hop is as valid a style as any other; your "rappers just talk. it's so fucking retarded" comment just shows your lack of perspective and maturity.
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I suggest you think about what I said before making asinine assumptions as such. I did not say jazz and classical were bad forms of music, just the attitudes of the musicians performing it.

you're the one making asinine assumptions seeing as your post was written in fucking simple english and there is no reason to believe that i thought for a second you were saying jazz and classical are bad forms of music. you are mentally disabled.