Do you as a metal listener look down upon other genres of music/their fans?

LOL at rapping is just talking

yea I guess all of metal is just screaming over distorted guitars :rolleyes:

in reality it takes alot of skill to be a smooth, creative, interesting, convincing MC with storytelling abilities

this "rap" on MTV nowadays is cookie cutter bullshit that is nothing even remotely close to real hip hop
I don't know why you should look down upon a person because they like a certain type of music mainly because some people don't care much about music. All they want it something catchy every once in a while, while investing their time into other things.

Would you feel bad is someone looked down upon you for not watching all the underground films? I think so, I don't want to put the time into watching all the movies, while some people don't want to with music.
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I don't why you should look down upon a person because they like a certain type of music mainly because some people don't care much about music. All they want it something catchy every once in a while, while investing their time into other things.

Would you feel bad is someone looked down upon you for not watching all the underground films? I don't think so, I don't want to put the time into watching all the movies, while some people don't want to with music.

quoted for truth

however if somebody pretends to be a serious music fan and they listen to radio garbage

then they're a fucking moron IMO....

LOL that's funny, that's like me hating everybody who is not a hardcore bodybuilder
Agreed...except there are waaaaaaaaaay too much people who are like this imo.

Also I think you can't help feeling elitist when there are so few people who have even heard of certain forms of music such as is the case in underground metal. This is also true of true music lover's, which are hard to come by, of course they should feel like they are part of something better than just listening to some shitty pop music from some megacorporation which isn't even written by the musicians...

Oh I'm definitely with you on that. I think when you're involved in (or at least somewhat hip to) any kind of underground music culture to the extent that many of us are with metal, it grants you a closer look at the inner workings of the social, economic and business aspects of the industry than others. And when I'm in a room full of people discussing music with no such background, it's hard not to think to myself "if only they knew" when hearing some of their thoughts and commentary. And that's justifiable to a degree.

But I also believe that kind of inside scoop is a double-edged sword, at least in my case. Even though I could see myself getting into whole other musical realms in the future and have dabbled in them before, metal is my vice. It has been for some time now and will likely continue to be. Because of that, I think I fail to get the big picture in the way that a more casual listener of lots of styles might be able to. Not that I'm ashamed of that; I have neither the power nor the desire to change my passions. It's just the acknowledgement that I can't be some know-it-all whose musical opinions are concrete fact and will automatically nullify those of anyone else.
Generally i look down apon other genres of music and their fans like rap, pop, hiphop and that shit but i dont really show it unless they start bashing other types of music.
I can't be some know-it-all whose musical opinions are concrete fact and will automatically nullify those of anyone else.

Yeah, that's my job. :lol: Maybe not, but I am on that eclectic, big picture tip; metal's what I favor, mostly, but I really do listen to lots and lots of different kinds of music. Like I eat lots of different cuisines.

That said, I can find something to feel superior to just about anyone about. I sure as hell don't think "metalheads" are some super-intelligent breed apart. :lol: :erk:

I really enjoy dealing with people who have a real passion for music, in whatever form. Those who casually listen to shit on the radio are not those people, but it's not the end of the world; we might have something else in common.
most of my friends hate metal...but, so what? people might also be just not that interested in music at all so they will just listen to some pop or whatever and they're happy with that. many metal listeners(like myself) sure are very passionate about their music, and that's ok... but let's face it, we are nerds in that respect ;)
In general, I'm tolerant, because I originally listened to punk and industrial, but I hate when people say things like "Metal all sounds the same" or "It's just noise and screams" 90% of people who I've gotten to listen to metal have ended up loving it.
I tend to look down on anyone no matter what.

Same here for the most part(not exactly everyone). I can spot people on a dime that are much worse than me to look down upon. There is always people that deserve to die before you.
the only genre I look down upon is reggaeton, I consider it to be mindless garbage.

I do not consider being called a metalhead an insult but rather a badge of honor.

reggaeton aside, I don't look down upon fans of other genres. like the old adage goes "don't knock it till you've tried it". I admit to liking old blues, jazz, underground and old school hip hop (but that bling bling rap shit has got to go), some electronica, etc. being called close minded is more of an insult to me than ever being called a metalhead. waaay more.
unless it is some dickhead trying to tell me that jimmy hendrix owns all guitarists.

thats my friend Bill. I get on his case all the time. Every time he talks to me on the phone he tells me about his day, which usually involves him getting in a fight with someone because they don't listen to classic rock. usually the said person is a metalhead. He sees these people at Barnes & Noble or CD Warehouse and purposely tries to piss them off. No one can do anything cause Bill's seven feet tall.