Do you buy or download your albums?

I download a shitload of CDs then a couple times a year I head up to the Bay Area and stock up on those that are worth buying. I'll order a few online and pick up some at the local record store as well. In the end I download more then I buy, but I still buy a lot. If I had a job I'd buy more...
Minion520 said:
Buy!!!!!!! I'm actually addicted to buying albums, seriously I can't help myself, any one else feel this way?

Yeah, I do the same. I am buying average, one CD a month at least....which is not THAT MUCH, but hey, my wallet doesn't think the same :grin:
I dl full albums alot.

If i like the album and can find it in my local record store(cant order online, no credit card yet)then Ill buy it. I also buy a lot of stuff that ive never heard of before just for the fun of it.
polarity said:
I used to use the method of downloading a few individual songs from an album in order to make a judgement on it, but since I've started downloading entire albums, I've realized what a flawed method that is. In many cases, it's impossible to get a good idea of the quality of an album from just hearing a few songs; an album is often intended to be a single unified work. There's certainly many albums which I wouldn't have bought if I hadn't heard them in their entirety beforehand, and vice versa.
I first download the albums to see if there is something worthed on them, after that I go and buy it immediately if I find it good (It doesn't have to be excellent, I'm that freak ;) )
And in case of my favorite bands, I don't care as soon as I can, I buy them ( supporting them of course!! :D )
Jean-Pierre said:
Well I folk say you're a terrific liar.

Hey, I wanna tell you just one thing here : "fuck you". Think whatever you want....It isn't me, beleive it or not. And I don't know what you mean by other metal you mean other forum than Ultimate Metal? Cause if it's the case, I only write stuff on Ultimate Metal. Anyway....I am really loosing my time trying to convince you.