Do you enjoy reading?


Jul 21, 2003
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I'm a really lazy reader, well to be honest i fall asleep after one or two pages,
so i dont normally bother reading a book, at the moment micks trying to get me to read a James Bond book :err: so i'll try but see what happens :D
ah yeah i love reading, i just wish i had more time to do so though, and a better memory/concentration to remember all i read.
speaking of sex james bond novels usually are full of "hot" moments (bondgirls)
so there's a chance you wont fall asleep so easy that night
I started reading some book called violent delights about sum british soldier and a young irish bird (who aspires to be in the IRA) who have this like fling pretending to be completely different people ... Its immensely boring but has a class front cover adn if I dont finish it Ill forever wonder if it picked up towards the end at the moment all they do is every weekend go to this cottage to shag ..
Reading is an essential part of life... without boks, I would be so fucking nothing.. I need to read, new stuff, old stuff. Everything. I tend to read about three to four novels a week.. I generally read at night
bleed_black_orchid said:
I started reading some book called violent delights about sum british soldier and a young irish bird (who aspires to be in the IRA) who have this like fling pretending to be completely different people ... Its immensely boring but has a class front cover adn if I dont finish it Ill forever wonder if it picked up towards the end at the moment all they do is every weekend go to this cottage to shag ..

I tell you a novel whose time-span is more than a week is suspicious from the start.