do you ever just HATE a particular object in your bathroom, but...


human plant/container.
Nov 3, 2002
you can't get yourself to throw it away because you are inexplicably scared???

so instead, i am going to analyze it, and get to the roots of why, exactly i hate this object.

the object in question is a 7-year bottle of "MAGICAL MANE CONDITIONER."

for starters, here is a photo of it:


things to notice:

1. this picture looks like a poster for a hippy cult in the 70's, doesn't it? someone else said it reminds them of feminine hygeine products and they are absolutely correct.

2. one of the first thing that comes to mind is that: "what the fuck, wind does not blow hair like that!!!" it literally seems to be frozen in that shape OR! her head is shaped like a elongated downward-sloping alien head with bristly hairs at the end of it. you can't really tell, because it's a silhouette. the horse has more natural-flowing hair than her, so is this conditioner truly only meant for HORSES and not HUMANS?

3. she is naked because everyone knows that girls ride horses naked into the sunset a la lady godiva, right? so this leads me to believe that since her upper arm is all bunched up and wrinkly and cellulosed... but then SUDDENLY half-way through on the right arm, and 3/4 down on the left arm... HER FLESH IS MISSING FROM HER ARM! that is gross because i hate the idea of half-bloodified bone arms holding a reign.

4. by her crotch, in the front, there exists a shape that seems to be part of the saddle. however, on closer examination of the silhouette, it is a small sitting buddha statue staring directly at the area of her crotch. this is greatly unnerving to me because you know that once she gets off that horse, they are going to have sex.

now that we've covered the visual anomalies of MAGICAL MANE, let's move onto the smell and texture.

a main ingredient is lanolin, which is STICKY SHEEP HAIR OIL THAT ALSO HAPPENS TO SMELL LIKE ASS PASTE. also, it does not help that the consistency is thick and PASTY and YELLOW, making me think of mummified vagina excretion. :( i've used it once in my life.


SOMETHING is magnetizing me to it. it's an odd phenomenon and i'm wondering if it really does have to do with cults and brainwashing somehow.

alien-shaped head, fear of disposal, buddha statue, mutilation. all signs point to this direction.

what do you think? i've had 7 years to think about this and assess the situation and that is the conculsion.
I would say, initialy, you kept the magical mane for back up, just in case . Then after a while it just became a part of your bathroom and by the looks of all the details you've noticed it has given you something to do while showering... Other than that, maybe there is some other use for it, that you have left out of the post;)
One thing that you can see from the image posted is that Magical Mane advertises that it gives your hair 'that MAGICAL THOROUGHBRED shine.' Not even implying, but blatantly declaring that when this chemical is applied to your hair, your hair will resemble that of not even a regular thoroughbred, but a MAGICAL one.

Regarding magical thoroughbreds, I was able to find this on the internet:




Words Of Wisdom

Mr. Magical

Don't Tell Dad

*Click here for the criteria and qualfications to be an ELITE horse.

Those are the names of the ELITE MAGICAL THOROUGHBREDS of CYBERSTABLE. Wait. Their names... or their titles in their magical horse mane cult hierarchy??? Look at that.. you can totally tell what their job is in their cult, too. Prosecutor obviously is the one who brings you to accusation if you refuse to suck the red slimy horse cock of Mr. Magical, the leader. The others are pretty easy to discern what their duty in the cult hierarchy is, as well.

Therefore, Magical Mane was subliminally designed to plant the seed of envy in people: "My hair is only like that of a thoroughbred... but why should others have hair like a MAGICAL THOROUGHBRED? I want that too. I need that. I must have that. I will stop at nothing to get that." etc etc.

Once you have used Magical Mane regularly enough to have flowing tresses of a magical thoroughbred, I am sure you are shortly thereafter contacted by Words of Wisdom, the manipulative and influential, but wickedly charismatic and charming recruiter who never fails to convince you that you now belong with them, and always have belonged with them. I mean, "haven't you always felt different and out of place?" That's one of the lines he uses on you.
Well hmm. I think the reason you can't throw the Magical Mane out is because you already used it once. (There are probably little microbes in the Magical Mane that fuse to your hair and then use each hair as a communication line to your brain, like a tin can and string telephone system, for mind control.)

So probably all you can do is just use the rest of the stuff regularly until it's gone, you have magical thoroughbred hair, and then one night as you lay in bed, lights off, everything is silent you suddenly hear some hoofs clopping on the road outside.. they draw closer and closer until they stop right outside your window. You ever so carefully pull a bit of your curtain aside and peer out, only to see nothing.. but then as soonasyouturnaroundthereisahugeghostlywhitehorseinyourroomstaringatyou!

If you go along with the whole thing, he'll take you back to the cult HQ where you can act as a devout follower until the perfect right moment when you can kill them all and rid yourself of their tormentuous hair microbes once and for all. The hair microbes die when all the cult hierarchy has been disposed of.
yes, but how can we be sure after finishing off the bottle and being visited by Words of Wisdom she will still have enough will power to turn on the hierarchy. i mean think of how long they might have been doing this, and they most likely have protective followers that will stop at nothing to spread the "magic"

if this is to be done it has to be done right. now i in no way doubt the present loyalty of screwdriverqueen, but never under-estemate the power of your enemy. you need back-up, a plan, and some high tech weaponry. oh and you need to find their weakness, everyone has one.
PS. This picture reminds me of having sex with a satyr, which would probably be gross because of their hairy haunches/butts and they probably thrust really frantically in film-type fast-motion like midgets or ventriloquism dummies.
In our bathroom, we have a vial of ginseng extract that an old roommate of mine used to take drops of daily. I hated him oh so much, and every single time I see this vial I want to send him a mail bomb.

Why I don't get rid of it, I have no clue, because it just aggravates me. He also used to leave packets of duck sauce all over the house, opened and unopened, so we eventually had gooey duck sauce on everything. After he moved out, I still could not eat Chinese food for like a year, because I would get too angry.