Do You Fear Death?

Do You Fear Death?

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I don't fear death because there are two paths for me.One I will rot in the ground and it will be an end of my exsistence and I will know of nothing forever.Two I will become immortal and live with the Gods and become one maybe.That is it, why worry.
I have to say that I'm much more afraid of life than death.
Life has pain fear humiliation and the unkown.

when I was 16 and two 30-year old criminals, that spent most of their life in jail, threatened to shoot me and put a gun to my head I was only afraid for my loved ones.

I wanted to die since I was 12.

So it's no benefit on my part that I don't fear death. That's like most "heroes" you hear about- a lot of them have nothing to live for.

But I look back and see all the opportunities I have not taken because I was afraid of life.
The girl I didn't talk to, the music I didn't make, the love and support I didn't give, the friendships I didn't have.

I have no regrets but it takes me a lot more to live my day-to-day life to the fullest and be brave.

it is not fear of death we should watch out for, it is the fear of life.
I'm afraid that someone will see my agony, the same as I've seen at 4 year old, when one of grand-grand father died.
I feel uncomfortable with the notion that when I die I will no longer have the ability to perceive. I think it is quite natural to fear something that one does not understand.
If it's so good what are you waiting for?

Quote:Originally Posted by Blowtus
13 people are so full of shit...
anyone with no fear of death is not functioning in a biologically sound fashion, imho.

Very much agreed. If you aren't fearful of the actual act of death, you are a liar.

Well I actually don't think anyone has the right to call all the people who say they're not afraid of death a liar or full of shit. How many of them do you truely know? About whom of them do you know who has faced death already, who tried to commit suicide or almost died in another situation?
I'm sure you're partly right that there are some people who just say they don't fear death to appear rational, tough or that they just might not have thought enough, but I'm also sure that there are some people who certainly know what they're talking about and who know themselves well enough and have experienced that they are truely not afraid.
The comparison with the gun by the way is a quite senseless one. Even the most suicidal person who wanted to kill himself the same day I think would be afraid if someone put a gun to his head. But that's far away from being afraid of death. It can be fear of lost control, fear of not doing the last you wanted to do or to say before you die even if it's just to write your testament or your goodbye letter, even if it's just not to be able to listen to your favourite songs during you die. This would be what I'd think if someone put a gun to my head, I'd just think: Please, not this way. Leave me alone and give me this gun and if it makes you satisfied you'll find me dead in a few minutes but please let me die in peace.
The thing that this fear of death is natural is something I believe too, but I think one is able to lose this fear during life.It's just a matter of frustration, but it's nothing to be proud of, that's for sure.
I don't fear death (we all say that, but when the moment comes it is not like whatever)...if that is the way that it has to be..ok fine, but i cant see the point of all death thing,why do we exist then anyway if we have to die in the end..and I dont believe in afterlife, and "we are all going to live forever after death" is pointless..I mean It's maybe easier to get over the fact that we are going to die, but It doesn't help me.. Hmm okay I may be too young for conversations like this but those are just my thoughts..

As Sweeney Todd once famously said, "WE ALL DESERVE TO DIE! EVEN YOU MRS LOVEITT, EVEN I!".

If someone has reoccuring fearful thoughts of death, they must totally think the world revolves around them. As if the world would be a different place when one person dies. Just imagine the blissful tranquility of death, no worries. Just peaceful, silent, numb, nothingness. Nothing matters if you dead, that's so blissful. No pain once your dead. Golly, don't I sound morbid? hehe. I don't deny I'd rather live for now babe...
But what your saying about everyone DOES fear death, NO THEY DON'T.

A panic attack while someone holds a gun to you head is a reflex, like blinking when someone claps in front of you. That doesn't mean you where dying of the fear of them twating you. It's not FEAR OF THE HEART, just a reflex, built in thing. Also, I'd feel regret for the effects of my death on my little brothers and sisters. But that is REGRET, not fear.
I don't fear death, but I fear the concept of not doing what I would like to do in my life before I die. So in a sense I do fear death but at the same time, I really don't.
I do not looking forward to dying... When I do, my belief is that I will be reincarnated. Like I have been before, many times.
I think i am more about what i will leave behind when i die and things that i couldn't do in my life time.But death, I'm curious about what's gonna happen. I believe in the afterlife so I think i'm worried about my religious beliefs that i haven't done (i am an open minded muslim btw :p and i love learning much about other religions and beliefs).and btw guys, i don't understand why some atheists talk about religious people's beliefs and they don't know about them !!! i mean, u speak YOUR mind from a Believer's perspective.
I hope you all guys will have a good life and succeed in whatever ur hands touch.