Do you find people stupid?


Nonchalant Onlooker
May 5, 2001
When you walk down the street crowded with people, do you ever get the feeling they - the people - disgust you? I do. The way they walk shows no trace of interest in others. Their expressions are like those of zombies', bleak, dull, showing nothing but stupidity. Of course there are exceptions, but not too many.

One of my duties at work is to sit at reception/information desk to control who goes in, and guide guests to the right place. So, every morning a bunch of people come to courses run by us (ministry of justice).

Would you imagine to walk into governmental institute, enter the lobby, strafe past the reception desk without a glance and go yanking at the doors without a word, such as "good morning" or "good day"? Jesus christ, every week the same scheme, different people. When I ask them their business they just say "I'm here for the courses." Duh, then I have to ask them "Which course would that be?" and "Would you come here and fill the visitor card?" They fill it, I give them the badge and tell them where to go. The next morning the same people come in, and not one of them shows me the visitor card, but go yanking at the doors instead. What the hell are they thinking? That the visitor card is just for fun? To be kept hidden in their shoulder-bags? Nggh!

Like someone said in another thread: intelligent and polite people are dying of extinction.
>intelligent and polite people are dying of extinction.

I'll buy that, and I'll elaborate. I think this is because intelligent people are intelligent enough not to have kids.

The last fool has not been born yet.
Originally posted by Orchid
When you walk down the street crowded with people, do you ever get the feeling they - the people - disgust you?
Yep... I see what you mean. If I'm not in a VERY good mood (if I am.. I don't even see them) I often feel the same as you. Most people are so narrow minded. There stuck in their pathetic little world... and it seems as they don't even want to discover what's outside it. I don't understand... Sometimes I just feel like screaming at them and asking them why do they keep on, what do they care about, what is precious to them? But I don't.

Would you imagine to walk into governmental institute, enter the lobby, strafe past the reception desk without a glance and go yanking at the doors without a word, such as "good morning" or "good day"? <clip>. The next morning the same people come in, and not one of them shows me the visitor card, but go yanking at the doors instead. What the hell are they thinking? That the visitor card is just for fun? To be kept hidden in their shoulder-bags? Nggh!
Last summer I worked at a reception too (at a factory) and man... some people just don't understand that they cannot just walk right in. That's why there is a gate and someone sitting at the reception... *sigh* I guess I'll be doing the same work this summer, but at night time... so hopefully there won't be that many visitors...
As I have said in a previous post, I find most of humanity to be disgusting. I don't seem to get along with christians, jews, or muslims. In fact, I usually only seem to get along with atheists, satanists, and the more extreme pagans. In general, I don't like people and they don't like me. Of course, there are a few exceptions, some people actually have taste.
Well, basically I get along very well with other people, no matter what, how or who they are. If you know the background of a person and you understand their behaviours, you can get along very well with them as well.

@Burzumbeast: I don't think that you're right there! Only because you're a satanist or an atheist, you cannot say that you cannot get along with them. That's a poor opinion!!!
As long as other people don't bother me with their ideals I have no problem with them!

I'm an atheist, but I've got friends from every religious or social background.

And I would really love to get to know how other people maybe from other cultures live! F.E. the Jewish religion must be an interesting thing to get to know!

But what opinion can I expect from a person that calls himself BurzumBeast?
I'm gonna take the halfway point here... (pardon my diatribe)

A PERSON can be intelligent. I once let myself have the opinion that everyone was stupid and drab and ugly but then in my previous job (a waiter) I had to deal with random strangers everyday and make the choice between being stale and straightforward or being outgoing and entertaining and I chose the latter. I found that if you're friendly and outgoing there are a lot of really cool people out there. Random strangers will swap witty banter with you and be understanding of you almost immediately as a result. And, also, there are of course a lot of people who suck.

PEOPLE are stupid. Once you gather people into any large group and watch for their actions as a whole, you'll discover that a group of people can seemingly only be as intelligent as the lowest common denominator. And if you factor in a little bit of fear and/or panic, even less.

As for the notion of people living in their own little world and not being able to see beyond it, this is very true. I even have a word for it, I call it "the bubbleworld" when people are trapped in the bubble of their own daily existence. However, the realization I've come to lately is that the bubbleworld is our ultimate creation. The ENTIRE POINT of society and civilization is so that people don't have to consider larger issues, don't have to worry about more serious problems, but can rather relax and watch T.V. and worry about the breaking of a nail, whether their sports team won that night, or whether their favourite metal band is going to sell out or not.

You can't blame people for living in the bubbleworld. That's where everybody lives - everybody spends the majority of their time caught up in their own insignificant little issues. We made it this way... we try to keep our children in school and college and off of drugs to maintain their bubbleworlds. THE PROBLEM... however, is that when it's necessary, when it's prudent, some people are incapable of leaving that bubbleworld, of seeing beyond it. A lot of people can, and they do when they have to. But if you're literally trapped in that bubbleworld by your own ignorance or naivite, willing or otherwise, THAT's when you get people who truly disgust me... but I can't help but to pity them at the same time.
Are people stupid?
Well, maybe, but I have a slightly different perspective : I think most people are fake. When you go into a store/mall/restaurant, etc., you see people, and you think nothing of it. When someone decides to say something to you, it's something "stupid" like "Hi, nice weather we're having". People are full of small talk.
If someone walked by me and said "Hi, my job sucks, and my kids are sick", then I would know more about that person, and not see just a walking shell. People hide everything, and keep private. In doing so, you really have no idea what anyone is about, unless it's a close family member, or a true friend.
In short, people are stupid because they are afraid to be honest.
I say they're weak or they're strong. You can break that down even further, but you know what I mean.

The weak seem to me like they've always lived a fake life. As HellSpawn put it, the bubbleworld. Nothing's ever "that bad" and "chin up" and the "lord is our sheppard" world. The ones that roll their eyes at me when I tell them how I feel. The ones that look at me like...there's something wrong with me for hating this or that and for these "unhealthy" reasons.

Sometimes the people that have seen the big picture can't take it. They blow up inside. And no matter how strong some think they are, they can become very weak and not know how to cope with life anymore. Rather than accept it, they just crumble inside.

The strong I feel are the ones that know what's going on yet they can deal with the ignorant. They come up with solutions and know how to control themselves...most of the time.

I like hearing people views on this.
I think whether or not you find people stupid depends on the context in which the question is asked and what you compare them to.

Are people stupid? Of course! Is snow cold? Not compared to the vacuum of space. It's entirely relative and language is a huge limitation.

But I would also say that chimps, parrots, and large dogs are really smart, even though they aren't as smart or smarter (haha) as the people I find horribly stupid.

yes, it's frustrating as hell. Personally I think anyone who likes prog music probably is pretty smart in the ways that matter to me/us.

But people are pretty smart for an extended clan of hairless apes who migrated out of africa about 100,000 years ago. For this reason I find people pretty smart (compared to other apes). It's all context, as I'm sure you all would agree.

buddha-sodomy is rampant,

I am one of those people who just walk somewhere and minds their own business. The thought of approaching someone and saying "hi, how are you" or something like that to a stranger would make me very nervous. I think I might have some sort of problem because I can't talk to people unless they say something to me first or they are close friends. But most people that take the time to talk to me are pretty cool. I haven't met to many people I can truly say I hate in this world.
I know you mean "people" in general, but I couldn't help but think about autistic individuals. People who seem really stupid and disconnected with reality but have stuff going on their head that you couldn't even begin to comprehend.

I can't remember where I heard this quote..."Mental retardation is a form of freedom." or something like that.

It could even be argued that... how can I possibly say this without offending anybody? Uhhh... oh, well.

In a lot of ways, Hitler was a genius. He manipulated a nation of educated people into allowing him to become supreme dictator... he knew how to play on their existing prejudices to create a scapegoat. He was also a remarkable orator and an amazingly talented military strategest. However, he was also obviously an evil fucking madman on a quest of world domination. Why are people on a quest of world domination ALWAYS madmen?! Again, because genius and insanity are two sides of the same coin.
Tabasko, let me tell you why I am such a bitter person towards religions. Let me ask you, have you ever been attacked by mob of christians with baseball bats because you are openly not a christian. Well I have. I've grown up in an area with violently fanatical christians and the more I know about them, the more I detest them. If it isn't verbal abuse, then it's physical abuse. Christians have never been kind to me, so I don't take too kindly to them or their ideology. The ideology of the Jews is so similar that I can't stand them either. I am not a total misanthrope, but I have some very misanthropic views. I have developed these views because of past experiences, not because I'm trying to be more "extreme" and "metal" than everybody else.
Before I say anything else, it should be said that nobody is omniscient, and that everybody can still possibly learn at least one thing from every other human being on the planet. It is your problem if you dismiss them as being stupid too early, thus losing your opportunity to garner what little knowledge you may from them.

Originally posted by Satori
buddha-sodomy is rampant,


Have you been to Thailand too?:eek:

Chalk one up for BurzumBeast...

I'll try to take the midpoint (again) here and say that although you certainly have valid reason to feel the way you do, I'd urge you to beat the Christians by being one step better than them and not dropping to their level of closed-minded confrontation. I respect the validity of your perspective, but cannot disagree with Tabasko's view that everyone can coexist. I acknowledge, however, that living up here in Vancouver, probably the most liberal city in North America, the notion of anyone attacking anyone for religious reasons is very foreign, and I have a naively idealistic perspective. I'm not suggesting that you show up for bible study anytime soon.

Anyways, it says there that you're from the states, can I ask where exactly? It sounds to me like you're trapped within the misfortunate, backwards area of the Bible belt.