i dont like coffee. i like coffee flavoured things (like coffee-ice-cream etc) but i dont like coffee... i love tea. i love autumn rain. tho this has nothing to do with it. i also like winter =)
drinking that much coffee isnt bad for your heart, if you could possibly drink about 30 cups in an hour then you should start to worry, since that should be the LD of caffeine for most small people.
after you have so much caffeine in such a short period of time, your system will just shut down.

Also, when the diuretic effect of all the coffee kicks in, then you'll start regretting it (particularly if you're not really a heavy caffeine user/coffee drinker).
Drink Italian comes in itty bitty cups about the size of a shot glass and you can drink it all in 1 and a half gulps. It's also about as strong as a full cup of American or German coffee, so you have more room in your stomach for more, AND you're really bouncing off the walls like a golf ball in a tile bathroom all day and freaking people out. Most of us also drink a touch of grappa in our coffees too, so you get that little touch of hard alcohol in there too. Awesome.
I like coffee, lots. Just finished a cup. 'Twas splendid. Adding a touch of JD to a strong one can prove worthwhile, as well.

Prefer tea, though.
On the topic of cream, Australians usually have their coffee with milk.
Ive always wondered, what type of cream do you drink it with? Is cream just another word for "milk" in your craaazzzyy language? Or do you really mean cream as in whipped cream or sour cream?
Cream is usually an artificial powdered dairy product, sometimes flavored with such tastes as french vanilla, cinnamon, and irish cream, which is redundant. It's only a way of making it taste not like people who say they like coffee don't really like coffee...they like sweetened coffeemilk. Sometimes we'll use milk if there's no cream, which sounds fucking stupid to me if you use cream to replace milk.
cream is cream, we also have half and half which is half whole milk and half cream, like heavy cream i think