Do you guys know any beat tracking software?


Im guybrush threepwood
Jun 16, 2004
Bristol, United Kingdom
Trying to make a click track of a cover song, but just wondering instead of me sitting down trying to program it all in, is there any software which will automatically sort this stuff out? As i know with some recorders you can play a track and it will automatically put drums to it so must be calculating its tempo some how :S

Cheers !
possibly beat detective in pro tools? I don't for sure, i never really used it.Now that i'm reminded of it I might go play with it and explore it more..... I know people use it for drum editing, but from the name it seems like it might do the task you are asking for. But probably not and I'm going to come across as retarded to anyone who actually knows the program. At least i tried helping:grin:
kev said:
Trying to make a click track of a cover song, but just wondering instead of me sitting down trying to program it all in, is there any software which will automatically sort this stuff out? As i know with some recorders you can play a track and it will automatically put drums to it so must be calculating its tempo some how :S

Cheers !

No, if you want to program drums you will have to do it yourself unless there is a MIDI file out there for the song.
kev said:
Trying to make a click track of a cover song, but just wondering instead of me sitting down trying to program it all in, is there any software which will automatically sort this stuff out? As i know with some recorders you can play a track and it will automatically put drums to it so must be calculating its tempo some how :S

Cheers !

Best way is to do it yourself......just open up the piano roll and have at it......