Do you have a stock portfolio?

mentions that Game Stop's current $4/share price could be as high as $70 by next year.

hmm ... should I buy?
I think you misread that. Which isn't your fault, the sentence is written poorly. The stock went up $4 today.

Today on Wall Street, investors clamored for GameStop shares, bidding up the price just a nickel shy of $4, or almost 8 percent, to $55.66.

GameStop Yahoo Stock Page

I'm hesitant to invest in anything anymore. I wish I could yank my 401k and bury the cash in the back yard somewhere. America is quickly going down the tubes. We are literally OWNED by foreign countries....and we only have our greedy mother-fucking selves to blame.

PS: that cash in my backyard will be worthless soon anyway
So wtf is everyone doing with their money now that interest rates on savings accounts amount to .000000000001 %?

The economy has changed a ton in the last 6 years, and yet all my kopecks (paltry sum) sits idle in a savings account accruing no interest. Too fucking chickenshit to put it in to something where I would not be able to draw out funds if a dire occurrence dictated such action.
I keep piling mine into savings as a nest egg. I hate having to worry about money, so I figure that is the safest place. I also started collecting silver. I'd rather have gold, but I'm too paranoid to keep something 1 oz. in weight that is worth as much as one of my fancy basses. Silver looks cooler anyhow, the latest bar I legally purloined has a skull n' cross bones on it. :mad:

I still have my Roth IRA, which has bounced back and given a small return after completely tanking, but I haven't added anything to it in 5 years. I'm turning into a god damn miser when it comes to money. My wife is 10x more so. Hopefully we'll still be married when retirement age comes, so I can reap the benefits. :loco:
Love doesn't last, car payments are forever!

My marriage consists on the solid foundation that it could all come crumbling down at any given moment. Neither one of us even remotely buys into the Love Is Forever line of bullshit. When that ends, so does our relationship. Of course since we both readily admit to that, we'll likely be stuck together until the end of time. :loco:
401K and all that make me nervous...not to mention the fact that I could die tomorrow. So, I save on my own...just like the "good ol days." I think we are passed the time ,i.e. the past 40 years, where the economy was continually booming....Imho, we are heading toward the other end of the bell curve, so to speak.

Boom goes the dynamite.
I had a retirement fund in the military, and now I can't deposit into it so i'm just sitting on it and collecting shitty interest on a few grand, what a silly concept--let's hope I make it to 65 so I only get taxed half as much
Everything I have is in Vanguard index funds, mostly a variety of stocks, with about 10% bonds. My investment belief is that nobody is smarter than the market, and anyone who thinks they are is either a liar or a dumbass. So the only strategy that makes sense is to invest in the market as a whole, as cheaply as possible.

Currently researching this index fund bullshit. I have a retirement account through work which invests in index funds on my behalf, and they make a mighty nice pence in interest come year's end. Finally going to man up at some point this year and drop 3k to get one up and running. Savings accounts cant keep up with inflation, so they're a dead well.
My "high yield" savings account making a whopping 0.75% right now. It was over 4% when I opened it, but the world economic system relies on people going into as much debt as possible so interest rates remain ridiculous low for better or for worse. [/Kucinich + Paul 2008]

My mutual fund Roth IRA just sits there, but at least it has made some coin since the crash, yay. I also started a Traditional IRA this year to avoid paying too much $$$ to the IRS, and it already made me $0.52 in one month. :kickass: :Smug:

My pile of music gear that could be cashed out in order to buy a yurt in Montana if need be someday. I don't plan on doing that, but it's the only liquid thing of value I own really. Well, other than my stash of silver, which is currently worth almost as much as two of my cheaper fuzz pedals. Almost.

I have 4 credit cards that could maxed out and buy a brand new Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, but I prefer having zero debt. Because I'm a sucker for good personal banking/hygiene numbers, which mean absolutely nothing. The entire banking system is a made up farce, fractional reserve lending FTW (fuck the world)! :Spin:
I had a 401k at my last job, but decided to cash it out because it'll be some time before I work at a place that has another.
Haha. I spent $3,500 on a vacation with that money. That is the only "dumb" financial decision I ever made with zero regrets, because my wife and I still have great memories of that No Holds Barred week at Comic-Con. Expensive hotel right on the water, shitload of fine whisky at the 2nd greatest bar I've ever been to, and a pile of books. Normally when we go to comic conventions the total tab is $800 at the most, but not that year. :loco:
Speaking of wranglers, I've been checking them out. I've sat in a few. They're actually pretty comfy. The back seat is a total joke though. I thought there was something wrong with the front seat or I was missing a lever or something but no, it has about one inch of forward travel and then you're supposed to squeeze back there. Unlimited seats five but then you start to wonder what's the point? Just buy a Hummer H1 :loco:
The other thing about jeeps? Expensive as fuck!! $30000 for a Rubicon with no extras?! Some websites even go so far as to say depending on exactly what kind of off-roading you'll be doing one might do much better with an outback or forester than a wrangler.
For light dirt trails a Jeep is completely overkill. I could (and did) do all that in a WRX, and Foresters have much better ground clearance, so yes to that. But, back in the late '90s, I was into rock crawling, so I'm looking for the Complete Redneck Package once again. I miss getting lost in old mines in the middle of nowhere, although my being too cheap to blow money unnecessarily has still prohibited me from buying a second vehicle. Stupid adult responsibility!
Yeah definitely need a wrangler for that shit. And yeah it's definitely be a second/weekend vehicle. Having a Rubicon as a daily driver sounds like a nightmare...not to mention the total lack of even basic safety equipment. No side airbags?! Wtf?

So yeah that counts me out. Don't quite have 30 big ones lying around waiting to be spent on a rock crawler.
Wouldn't a dirt bike be the far more superior vehicle for off-road pursuits anyway?
The best off road vehicle is a good pair of hiking boots really. :loco:

You're right of course, but I've never been a dirt bike kind of guy. Actually, I don't like any 2-wheel vehicle really. I say I want a bicycle for health reasons, and also utter that I'd love a motorcycle for speed, but both of those sentiments are false. I need a glass enclosed vehicular pod of some sort, otherwise it's just me and my Montrails (and perhaps some Lärabars).
So I used to check my credit score once a year just to make sure I was On Track with Proper Financial Health, but I've let that lapse over the last few years because really, it's all a bunch of bullshit. However, these days Discover gives you a monthly FICO score for free, and this morning I read that mine is a whopping 832. That is freakin' hilarious. The secret to this masterful score have been the following extraordinary feats of banking strength:

1) not go into much debt
2) pay my god damn bills

Just recently the wife was asking me, O Holder of the Keys to our Fabled NAD "Estate," if we were financially savvy. I said well yes, as we spend less than we make and regularly sock extra money away into various savings and retirement accounts. That being said I also remarked that we weren't too intelligent when it came to things like Good Debt, because due to our general aversion to Any Debt, we don't own any property. I suppose with credit scores this high we should really buy some land, but that just makes me afeard of being tied down to far too many dollar signs.

But what do I know? Modernity confuses me, this is nothing new. Thanks a lot, Alexander Hamilton. :Smug: