Do you have a stock portfolio?

:lol: at having a stockbroker! I picture you pulling up and getting out of the back of a Jaguar XJ
:lol: He had my meeting down for yesterday afternoon by the way, which I found out when he called me today to reschedule. WTF?! Normally I'd say "oops, guess I fucked that one up" but Wednesday night is doom/pop band practice, so I know that I wouldn't tarnish that legacy! This one is on your head, good sir.
Just invest in an index fund via Vanguard brug, screw individual stocks, diversify!

I purchased this book a few months back, maybe I should read it.
Update - I still havent read that book, and don't have the darndest idea where it's located. Probably under my car seat.

In other news,

Nearly a third, or 31% of U.S. adults said they had no savings or pension to help them afford retirement, according to the Federal Reserve Board.

Even more alarming: 19% of those very close to retirement age, between the ages of 55 and 64, said they had no savings.

As a result, more than half of these respondents said they planned to either work full-time or part-time during their retirement years.

Meanwhile, a quarter of those surveyed said they didn't know how they would afford their golden years.

A big part of the problem: many low- and middle-income households "have little financial cushion at all" and often lack even basic emergency savings, the Fed survey found.

Plus, around half of workers and the majority of part-time workers don't receive retirement benefits at work, making it even harder to save.

The Federal Reserve Board survey, which took place last year, polled more than 4,000 working and retirement-age Americans on everything from retirement savings to student loan debt.

-Source CNShit
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Almost my entire 401(k) got destroyed in the last financial meltdown. You know - the one where a mere handful of banker types ruined millions of peoples lives with no consequences? That one. I don't want to start investing again but I'm not sure what else to do.
In other words, I could likely be included in the description of people in the above post - but it didn't have anything to do with me or any of my decisions.
Almost my entire 401(k) got destroyed in the last financial meltdown. You know - the one where a mere handful of banker types ruined millions of peoples lives with no consequences? That one. I don't want to start investing again but I'm not sure what else to do. In other words, I could likely be included in the description of people in the above post - but it didn't have anything to do with me or any of my decisions.

The same happened to me. It also nuked my mom's life insurance. Now I'm just investing in beer

My stocks rebounded, and then some, but I went and blew most of it on my house down payment. Oops.

That shit's not going to work in this day and age, we're not in the 40s and 50s. Ye tax these corporations 91%, theyre just going to uproot their business to Canada, or overseas. Hell look at what is happening in our not so great cess. California business is heavily regulated and taxed up the wazoo. Annually more and more jobs are being transplanted to Texas, and other good ole' boy territories.

P.S Why you getting your slanted misinformation from a place called "Salon?" :err:
Along with the wife, our collective net worth peaked about 5 years ago at nearly $60,000 in the black, including all the music gear I could pawn off. No debts, two functional automobiles, money in the bank. Today, even with a chunk or two in our savings, a meager retirement fund, and plenty of shit I could hock, after buying a house and securing The American Dream, that figure is now negative $180,000 or less, depending on current eBay fees.

What does all this mean? NOTHING! It's all Monopoly Money, the entire global economy is completely made up, and has been for more than four centuries. When my house explodes I merely wave a small plastic card at the service person, and life continues on. Same thing happens when I get hungry, I drive my personal transportation device (made of and powered by liquified dinosaurs) to ye olde local foodhole, and subsequently fill my pantry with whatever I shall choose.

Numbers move here, then bounce over there. Our equally broke upbringings (me the spawn of two desert rats without money, her a refugee from the Old Country without anything) that always taught us conserve, dammit! from a very early age, and helped us build such a massive Castle Of Credit that we could sustain our particular chunk of this fiasco for quite some time without too much worry, barring major employment or physical disasters of course. Which doesn't make me happy, sad, angry, enraptured, or anything else beyond a slight sense of underlying derision toward the system as a whole, but mostly accepting it and its whacky ways nonetheless.

Sure, it's just a big farce. But we've all agreed to take part, tacitly or otherwise. Except you lucky dogs who live off the grid. You might be crazy, but it's that intelligent kind of crazy, which takes guts. And that is to be respected. Much more so than I deserve by playing by all these stupid fucking rules. :goggly:
Bourbon, yes.

I'm trying to not be much of a materialist. That would be refreshing for me. I'm going to work on it
With the interest rate near ZERO and the pile of dough I have rotting in my savings account (My high-yield was near 2.5% just a year ago and was quite nice albeit still a shitty % compared to when I was growing up), I figured why the fuck not. I gotta admit that all the recent news really got me intrigued and now I'm going down a rabbit (worm?!) hole that is getting compulsive. I'm gonna be either stackin' or crashin'.
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