Do you have any Mental/physical Disorders?


They All Knew Golgotha...
Feb 20, 2004
Out of the 3 forums i go to id only ask this here, since all the others are computer/tech forums... you them heh

anyways.. i got 3 mental disorders and only near type of physical one is limp bones.. i can literally pop my head all the way to my back though with pain
my Mental ones consists of Depression, schizophrenia, and..anxiety
i have mild schziophrenia though jus noises and phots at night if i DONT skip my medicine though.. and with drawl sucks ass...
i take Geo don and Effexor XR..
just wanted to know if im not the only one!!
I don't think mild depression counts as a mental illness... though most of the time I'm fine, I'm never suicidal, nor is my outlook on life that bad. Relatively normal, for the most part. :Spin:
I have depression, But I have medication. I makes it so much better. Like Xeno
my outlook on life in not bad at all. I hardly get down. Well come to think of it
I hardly get really up either. I'm very level. In my mind. hehehe
well.. im partially ani social
depending on the atomsphere
and where i am
i take meds too
first i took riddelon,adderal,zoloft,risperdol,wellburtin,Effexor, now im on Effexor XR and Geo don... Geo dons for the Schizo crap and Effexors for the depression scenerio
Emotional difficulties, personal problems and the like are a fact of life, not a disorder folks. Its all part of growing and finding your place in life and figuring shite out. Medication is not necessary for normal life issues - schizophrenia, however, well...knock back a few pills. I'm fine myself - just have had asthma since a baby.
I have depression, insomnia, obsessive compulsive disorder, and anxiety. But I seem like a totally normal person on the outside. And I am also currently taking Effexor. I don't think it does all that much for me though.
I have poor mobility, ataxia in my left arm, double vision with an ulcerated right eye which doesn't work properly and other common effects of brain injuries. As well as all those physical difficulties I also have Asperger's syndrome.
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no physical disorders, thankfully, hmmm i do have really low blood pressure though, dont know if that counts. no mental disorders either according to professionals at least... i do suffer from antisocialness/self alienation, but dont know if that counts
I have depression (I'm on Seroxat for that), spina bifida and psoriasis. I know the last one isn't generally thought of as a physical disorder but when you have it as bad as I do it is quite debilitating.
I'm sure I have ADD. I really have a hard time concentrating on things. I could never focus when the TV is on. If I ever need to study, it has to be absolutely quiet. 20 other thoughts are going on the same time.
Arch said:
I'm sure I have ADD. I really have a hard time concentrating on things. I could never focus when the TV is on. If I ever need to study, it has to be absolutely quiet. 20 other thoughts are going on the same time.
I have the same problem but I don't think that has anything to do with ADD.
I think it is quite common.