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Swiet Mofo!! (no motherfucker! => mofo means mouth)
That's a gooddamn recipe! *drools at the filled space* :cool:
Your recipe will be followed, chef! This weekend! *salutes you*
This weekend a few people will stay the night over at our place and i think those guys will love pumpkin flans! I made pumpkin pancakes two weeks ago, we had some americans over to crash the night and all the pancakes were gone..and maplesyrup all over the place :Smug:
Thnx Chromie for sharing your delicious recipe and for telling me marsala and massala are two different things (i love to cook, but i ain't no professional chef!) I suspected they were different but wasn't sure.. so thnx, for clearing that out!

I just got back from chef class, and I had to make 30 tiny single serving cups of my pumpkin flan


my hands are sore and burnt :p

and I'm not experienced making caramel , AT ALL... and of course I can do it no problem at home... but tonight I burnt it!! but fortunately right down to the last minute I finished it up... and tomorrow I'll get to find out how they turn out.. after they chill... SHEESH I'm tired!
Chromatose said:
spicy thai??!?!? wtf?!?!

I am going to hunt these beasties down.

Oh man, Kettle Chips!!

i have never tasted.
They do have kettle chips here, but just lightely salted and the sea with crushed black pepper. I want to taste other flavours, too!
Iris said:
They do have kettle chips here, but just lightely salted and the sea with crushed black pepper. I want to taste other flavours, too!

I can't find any other than these yet, either ....
I was at a gas station like a week before you posted the mention of them, I went into the convenience store part to buy a bag of combos and a soda, and I remembered glancing over and seeing kettle chips in a red bag, which I hadn't seen before, so I was curious, but not curious enough to see the flavor. I'll have to go back and check it out.
Ok i did not make a flan, but i used the recipe to make pancakes.
The ginger makes it soooo good, thnx for the swiet mofo recipe!
All the pumpkin pancakes went down and they already forced me to make more tomorrow!
In other words: your recipe is a succesfull formula!

All this:

Got shred by this:

Sorry, pic is small but they still eat very much and drank all of our coffee!
These guys are real caffeinejunkies, but they didn't spill any maple syrup, i gotta give them that much! AND! they have good stories to share.. :p
This isn't a recipe...but it is godly:

-DAGOBA Organic Chocolate: Chai flavored-
Milk chocolate, crystallized ginger and spices.

Its almost $2..and worth every penny :blush:
it was almost a sad story, I just so happened to be at a different grocery store for a change, in order to hunt down these chips.. went to the chip aisle, and they only had the usuals, pepper, sea salt, cheddar cheese, and also some yoghurt and something one.. so I was walking away sadly..

and then

i noticed


with loads of spicy thai and also cheddar beer and something else
well im glad the hunt for spicy thai could become such a rollercoaster ride of emotions, ranging from the lowest lows to the highest highs. next time im at the store another bag WILL BE MINE.