Do you have pets?

Tut Ankh Amon said:
**playing american**

so, how's the drug business going over there in your homeland?


*playing Brazilian*
nós os Brasileiros somos todos macacos filhos da puta macaca
todos incluindo o stormblast e o Tut (mas nao a Kuvasz)

I'm just kidding.. you know I love brazilians :)
>nós os Brasileiros somos todos macacos filhos da puta macaca

lol hahaha nice one :-D

*playing finnish*
perkele blah blah perkele!! yak yak yak perkele!! njah perkele!!!!
_Zsuzsa_ said:
@towo: maybe you could do that...but beware...cats can scratch too :flame:


Well, you know, you're always invited to come on over.. ;)

MagSec: Well, you just confirm my opinion about bloody 'merkins thinking that everyone was of lesser status than them. ;) [Was schwer moeglich ist.]

*Zsuzsa patts Tut in the head

Don't worry... I'm here for you shhshh...don't cry...sleep now and you'll forget the bad people...:Saint:


btw, I got a cat many years ago when I already have my current one, but this second one fell from the corridor :waah: we live on the 8th floor...