Do you keep a journal?


Rainbow Demon
Nov 18, 2001
Shoikan Grove
I keep an online journal and I find it's a great outlet for my thoughts and feelings. When I'm particularly frustrated or depressed I can uaually find comfort in putting my thoughts to words.

I was checking out webpages and came across something that suggested that intelligant and "different" people have a higher tendancy to keep a journal, and I was wondering if people here do it.
no I've never kept a jounal cause I'm can't explain my feeling into words. that's why I've only writen like 2 poems and they made sence to me but I don't think anyone else would understand them. I thought about it once and changed my mind after the second night when I completly forgot about it :) ohh well that's my 2 cents hope you enjoyed it if not who cares :)







…If only I had a bullet than I'd show them…
i don't keep a journal in the traditional sense, but i do have notebooks where i write poems and such. i'm working on a story (that's probably over 150 pages by now, but i haven't counted in a while) that's a dystopia type thing. hoping to get it published when i'm done. what can i say, its better than paying attention in school. am i right or what? either that or drawing during class, but that usually gets me in trouble. it turns out turning in homework with a blown in half zombie walking on his arms and leaving a trail of intestines is unacceptable.
i have about 8 journals that i've started but never kept up. everytime i see a pretty book with blank pages, i say, oooooohhh, i must buy that and write in it. and then i never do. :cry:
I used to keep a one when I was little. I loved those pink and light blue pages :)
But now I very rarely write my thoughts etc. down. Sometimes I do that when I have no one to talk to.