Do you like Pain of Salvation?

Do you like POS?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 83.9%
  • No

    Votes: 9 16.1%

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I really like Pain of Slavation, but when you write PoS what comes to my mind first piece of shit (not talking about the band there, it's just the acronym).
Taliwakker said:
thats pretty gay....but only if Daniel wrote the bio himself:lol:
He is the webmaster of the homepage... Or at least he was like two years ago. So there is quite a big chance it was him who wrote that thing about himself...
Demonspell said:
Anyone who affirms in song that he rules clearly does not rule. It's the age old question: If someone tries to make himself look cool, is he or she truly cool?
Hehe, actually that was more of a joke that Tarot fans will get. The first song on the new tarot disc is called "I Rule", but it is not about any particular person. The concept is more about an extreme evil. Lyrics can be found Here
I don't much care for Pain Of Salivation. Although it's true I haven't heard their entire catalog, I was much too turned off by everything I listened to from them. I will repeat what I stated on many an occasion when the name PoS came up:

Keep funkness and nu-ness the FUCK out of prog!

In short, :Puke:
Prismatic Sphere said:
Keep funkness and nu-ness the FUCK out of prog!
Well, perhaps you don't like mixing styles, but I definetely love to see a band mix styles. This usually comes with an original sound and feel (I just hate to see a new band coming up, only to see they are another DT clone!). PoS is really one of the only bands I can say have not copied from anyone (from what I have heard: Entropia and Hour bythe concrete lake). I mean, they have sections that strongly remind you of someone, but it's not like putting in (ooh I can see flames coming here) the first Adagio CD: the first thing you'll say is "Wow, so SX like!".
Ok, why does everyone bitch about clones of other bands? If you like Dream Theater, and a band sounds exactly like Dream Theater and the songwriting is good, progsnobs still bitch! It escapes me completely! For christ's sake, if the music is good, then it's good. End of story. I don't understand the mindset of having to be totally original to be good. Fuck, power metal bands copy each other to no end, and granted i like a fresh sound as much as anyone, but if a band sounds exactly like hammerfall *cough dream evil cough*, who the fuck am i to say "Well, they kick ass, but they sound to much like hammerfall. Fuck em!"?
Keep funkness and nu-ness the FUCK out of prog!


i like a fresh sound as much as anyone, but if a band sounds exactly like hammerfall *cough dream evil cough*, who the fuck am i to say "Well, they kick ass, but they sound to much like hammerfall. Fuck em!"?

say what you like long as you say what you are truely thinking.

I'm gonna check out Rob from Death Angel now :)
no, i hear what you are saying tali, but the point is that i find it retarded to discount a band just because they sound like a band you like. If it sounds exactly like the music you like, where is the problem?

Example: Within Y sounds exactly, EXACTLY like the haunted. However, i like the haunted, so another album that should be by the haunted to tide me over until the new The Haunted album comes out, fuck yeah.
i think pain of salvation is one of the best prog bands ive heard. the good thing with pos is that they mix dream theater-stuff like strange beats and such (listen to Rope Ends) with emotional almost opeth like shít. my favorite album of theirs is One hour by the concrete lake. inside is probably the best song imo.

their are actually from a city just 15 min away from me. as a matter of fact i went to one of their concerts half a year ago. they did this "be" concert and invited students. it was pretty good but it lacked a bit of their heavier stuff.
By far my favorite band. Best songwriting, lyrics and vocals I've ever heard.

Also, they all possess absolutely amazing skill on their instruments, but their music never sounds forced (LTE, DT), even when playing extremely technical passages (which they have plenty of). They don't sound overtly technical, but a lot of their stuff is a whole lot more complicated than for instance Dream Theater's material.
theodyssey: It's not about bands copying. If I find a band that sounds like Symphony X, and is better, then be welcome. However, if the band is not as good as Symphony X, fuck them off. I'd rather hear Symphony X if I was in the mood for that style. I mean, they copy and still can't do it good??? That's a crappy band if you ask me. Why don't they start a tribute band? The music would be the same.
That's precisely the point...derivative bands are only good for instant gratification and inevitably fall short of their inspiration, they rarely hold up in the long run.

POS fans: according to a post on their forum, BE is tentatively scheduled to ship in September...