Do you like Pain of Salvation?

Do you like POS?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 83.9%
  • No

    Votes: 9 16.1%

  • Total voters
I must be the only POS fan who counts it among their least favorites, and it actually prevented me from further investigating the band for a while...I enjoy the guitar solo and the chorus, but the rest is one of the few times their experimentation results in annoyance.
karelrulez said:
I hated it the first time I heard it, but after a few spins it all becomes clear. the 'raps' are great and what about the ending :)
Oh, that ending is just a cacophony of rage. And the "raps" are incredible... sure, maybe it sounds a little bit like nu-metal... but Pain of Salvation pulls it off with much more aplomb than any nu-metal band. It works well to convey the feelings of the protagonist.
I love them... Seriously, Since my boyfriend introduced me to their music, I can't pass one day without listening something from them... I can get too emotional, so sad or so happy... It deppends on the situation...
One of the best bands on earth, and one of my favorites :D
i like them a lot from what ive herd. i dont own a cd but i plan on getting one. i love the vocals too. the drummer is realy good i would ssay every instrument in the band is realy good. and they are great song writers.

how good is "one hour by the concrete lake."
Love love love PoS. I admit I'm not much into Entropia, and Remedy Lane is tough to listen to regularly, but if I get on a Perfect Element kick, that's all I'll listen to for days at a stretch.
Entropia, TPE and Remedy Lane are all equally great for me, but no matter what I do, I can't get into OHBTCL, maybe it's also because of the weak production.

I thought Entropia came before One Hour.. but why does Entropia sound good and One Hour not?
I really love Pain of Salvation. One of my best friends said he doesn't like them, because they would only make so freaky music to draw attention to them and it would be way to complicated a.s.o., but he listens to Soulfly and Static X, so I don't care...

I think Pain of Salvation is the band that best express certain feelings through their music and it perfectly fits to their lyrics. And the sicker the lyrics are, the sicker is the music. Especially Perfect Element I. You can't write music about those lyrical themes but grunting through the whole album or rappin like linkin park or singin like Stratovarius while repeating the same 4-chord-4/4-time-signature-guitar-riff 16ths over and over again. It has to fit to the circumstances and Daniel Gildenlöws knows when to use wich stile. And that's why PoS rule *g* :worship: