Pain of Salvation?

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
I downloaded A Trace of Blood a few months ago. I didn't really like it that much... oh well I thought.But It wasn't till yeasterday that, after all the bickering about them, I decided to give them a go to see what side I'm on (the "they are good" side like most people or the "they suck" side like the odessey and Macy) I downloaded People Passing By Video on the ProgPower site and was impressed. I then went on ther're site and found that they had a large download section. I downloaded "In the Flesh", "Used", "!", "Inside'" and "Fandango". I love it! It is um.... y'know... Daniel's vocals are very emotional and the rest of the band are great also. They might not be the most heavy, technical or proggy prog band out there but they write someamazing songs. I'm really getting into it!
So I've decided to buy an album. Opeth can wait another few weeks as I'm getting some Pain'... first!
But the question is - What album?
I think I'm leaning towards TPE-1 or remedy lane as they're the newest and alot of people say that they are above the previous 2. I've heard that RL is a sappy, ballad album from Yngvai X, and I've read that RL is better than TPE.1 aswell.... I'm too confused:erk:
So what do you guys recomend as a first buy from PoS?
I would get Entropia or the Perfect Element pt1 over Remedy Lane. These two discs are more aggressive/heavier then Remedy Lane so if you're more inclined to heavier stuff then iether of these two are the best choice. I'm always surprised when people who are into progressive music say that they are a crappy band and the same goes for Symphony X.

It's interesting that you bring up Opeth also since I think that these two bands are very similar in the way that they grap me on an emotional level. I would put both of these bands in the top 5 of my most listened too.
I looooooooooooooooooove Pain of Salvation. They're one of the most passionate bands I've ever heard. The music is so intense and Daniel sings so dramatic that I get chills everytime I listen to one of their albums.

Remedy Lane is different from The Perfect Element. Just different. I love every album they've made, cause each one has its own magic.

If you prefer the heavier stuff, try to get "One Hour By The Concrete Lake" (great one!)
Spellbound said:
I looooooooooooooooooove Pain of Salvation. They're one of the most passionate bands I've ever heard. The music is so intense and Daniel sings so dramatic that I get chills everytime I listen to one of their albums.

Remedy Lane is different from The Perfect Element. Just different. I love every album they've made, cause each one has its own magic.

If you prefer the heavier stuff, try to get "One Hour By The Concrete Lake" (great one!)

Yeah , and it's their most original :Spin:
whoa, when did I ever say RL was a sappy ballad album?!? Its definately a very personal album as its entirely autobiographical (mostly centers around Daniel cheating on his wife) but its got some of their best songs on it. Its the album that really made me get into them. But yeah I think that and TPE1 are their two best.
i looove the song the perfect element..cept for the jungle music stuff in the end.. other than that though, its a great song.. i havent heard enough of the other songs to know what else i like.. i have a few of theirs though.. just that one sticks out at me right now..
sorrey Yngvai X, I must of made a mistake of who said it.
So ProgmetalFan, it's yoyr fav' album? Sounds good.
Nice to see plenty of fans here! Please join us at the message board as it's gotten a bit quiet recently!

I don't know what to suggest. It's really between The Perfect Element and Remedy Lane. My personal favourite is TPE. It's darker overall I think and just flows perfectly. Remedy Lane is awesome too but I don't listen to it as much. It is pretty much a 50/50 split over who prefers TPE and who prefers RL so I say just get one (you've already heard some of TPE so you might want to get that) and if you don't totally dig it get the other one.

I will say this though. No matter how impressed you are with the music, sitting with the CD on (preferable with headphones) while reading all the lyrics (and you might want an analysis of the album too because they can get a bit complex) will blow you away. I promise you this will happen no matter what album you pick!