Pain of Salvation


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
OK what's the verdict? I didn't really like them two years ago when I first heard them, and I thought I'd try them again today. I put on The Perfect Element and I honestly couldn't get past the second track.

What is obvious though is that Pain of Salvation have very protective fans - much like Opeth. You don't dare say a bad word about them, especially in the ProgPower forum!

Also, in Europe, they support bands like Threshold, and yet in the USA, they headline festivals? Who are the fans that listen to PoS - are they the types that grew up on King Crimson, Rush, and Dream Theater?
While POS does get much of their support from fans of progressive rock, I don't think their appeal is that limited...I've seen plenty of posts on this board and elsewhere that basically position them as an alternative to the wankery common in progressive metal, and even the band prefers to distance themselves from the P-word...
I admit I like their new acoustic album, but I really am not too big on their prog (or whatever you call their normal music)...especially when Daniel sings in almost a rapping manner.
I've heard a few songs, and didn't like it. Anyone surprised?


Caelum Adustum said:
I admit I like their new acoustic album, but I really am not too big on their prog (or whatever you call their normal music)...especially when Daniel sings in almost a rapping manner.

Agreed. I have Entropia and... well... meh. But the unplugged album is absolutely fantastic.
JayKeeley said:
Also, in Europe, they support bands like Threshold, and yet in the USA, they headline festivals?
Nope, just ONE concert, which happens to be Glenn Harveston's production. Outside of 2, and the next ProgPowers, Pain of Salvation HAS NEVER PERFORMED ON A US tour. They lack the monetary tour support from IOMA.

JayKeeley said:
Who are the fans that listen to PoS - are they the types that grew up on King Crimson, Rush, and Dream Theater?
Yes, that's me, but substitute Dream Theater for Queensryche, with a nagging minor support for the Ytseshits.
OceanMech said:
Nope, just ONE concert, which happens to be Glenn Harveston's production. Outside of 2, and the next ProgPowers, Pain of Salvation HAS NEVER PERFORMED ON A US tour. They lack the monetary tour support from IOMA.
Right, I didn't say anything about a US tour though! :) I said, "in Europe they support Threshold, and in the USA they headline festivals". In this case, ProgPower - three times now including PPV...and if I remember right, Threshold were lower down in the roster at PPIII, where PoS did indeed headline!! Having said that, I think Threshold got a much larger audience.
So since I jerk off all over my King Crimson albums 3 times every morning, does that mean I need to check these guys out?
Dreamlord said:
Do you feel your German blood flowing through your veins when you listen to that? :heh: (Actually, they're French aren't they...?)

@NAD - I would be surprised if you didn't like PoS, but they are very 'proggy proggy lick the froggy'. :loco:
Man, I seriously listened to Of Elitism and War 4 times straight last night (it's only 27 minutes long after all) and it got better with each listen. The last 4 tracks are easily the strongest.

Yeah, he's (it's a one man band) French.
NAD said:
So since I jerk off all over my King Crimson albums 3 times every morning, does that mean I need to check these guys out?
They don't sound like Crimson at all, key difference being the emphasis on emotional attachment in place of musicianship (which is still technically proficient, but rarely emphasized), but Daniel does share a similar ethos of true progression above all else...
I've listened to 4 PoS CDs and none of them grabbed my attention at all. I found them to be very boring and uninteresting :) (BWD jokingly suggested exactly how I felt about them, weird). Maybe someday I'll download one again and it'll click. Any suggestions which one I'm most likely to enjoy (please base suggestions on the fact that I like weird shit)?