Do you like the person you are?

Well, i wish i wasn't so bad-tempered..
I yell at my parents some, but it has gotten better since i moved from home.. and see them less often.
But sometimes, i just yell and yell.. and feel bad about it later, but i really love them and respect them alot.. I just wish i had the courage to tell them that i love them, but perhaps sometime i will..

And i wished i took better care of myself, eat some healthier and move out of the computer-chair sometime.. but, well.. no-ones perfect i guess! :)

but im pretty fond of being who i am anyways.. :)
The lessons in my life that I've learned were pretty much all regrets in some form. I'm happy with myself today because of what I learned up to now. I guess I regret most not standing up for myself more at times. Like when others try to provoke conflicts. I'm just like, "Fuck this. Later." I'm not aggressive. When I am though :lol: you can tell it's not my place to be! It takes quite a bit to get to that point though. But, I've been diving into the world of verbal conflicts lately. I've noticed that you can almost talk your way through many disagreements. Then of course, some just don't want to talk. That's when you trick them with mind games...let them get all pissed off at themselves. Teach THEM a lesson if you will. :tickled:


"I would outrun the scythe, glaring with failure."
On the contrary, I always dislike the person I WAS, and like the person I AM more and more, and every passing minute I become a new person, through learning from the mistakes i have made. I would never exchange those mistakes or what I learned from them for something more pleasant or exciting. I wouldn't be who I like now, and like even better tomorrow. That's my take.
I am different as the most of the people I know. I think it's good so... but my parent's are realy shit. It would be great to have other... but... that's live... :)
I like me...I just wish other people did. ;) In case y'all haven't noticed, I've got rather strong opinions, and it seems there aren't very many people I'm capable of respecting and being friends with. I get jealous when I see how much fun all the dumbshit sorority girls are having, but then I ask, would I rather be ignorant and blissful, or informed and lonely? Tough call.
Originally posted by Lina
I like me...I just wish other people did. ;) In case y'all haven't noticed, I've got rather strong opinions, and it seems there aren't very many people I'm capable of respecting and being friends with. I get jealous when I see how much fun all the dumbshit sorority girls are having, but then I ask, would I rather be ignorant and blissful, or informed and lonely? Tough call.

I don't know bout ne1 else here, but I like people with strong views. At least they've bothered to think about stuff, even if they don't agree with me. It shows at least some intelligence :)
I kind of wish that I would be more outgoing and at least try to make more friends. I suppose that by staying on the computer so much I have distanced myself from people. I also wish that I could voice my opinions better and not worry what other people think of me. I hope that I can become more comfortable with myself and just not care what other un-important people think of me. I am sure things will get better for me when I go to college next year. Hopefully a lot of these stupid high school things will disappear. So, I guess I would just like to be more sociable and learn to make friends worthy of my time(not trying to sound conceited but really..)
I was a real idiot and I regret A LOT of things I said in one part of my life but it has formed me into who I am today and I am a much better to myself and to others in general. I look back and still can't figure out how I got like that.
Yeah, I like who I am. Tis a good thing, cuz nobody else does.

I dislike a lot of things I've done in the past, but I'm pretty happy with who I am now.

If I could change something... I wish I was less of a bumbling fool back when there were girls that actually talked to me.
I just wish i was a bit more sociable (but at the time i think it's better to have a few nice people around me,than a bunch of people I find more or less boring) and less shy.....
I also wish i could control my stress a bit :(
Whenever anyone makes a comment as to how annoying I was as a child, I tell them that it's a part of my life I'd rather forget.

And while that's not entirely true, I do have this rule that I don't regret anything. Perhaps short-term regrets, but they eventually coalesce into meaningful experiences from which I have learned.

I suppose I do like the person I've become. While my position in life and status with friends and family may not be quite what I want, my attitudes and motivations and convictions are significantly stronger than they were even a year ago.

I'm still a push-over now and then, but I accept that. Anything that won't impact my life negatively (to any real extent) really isn't worth fighting. That makes me selfish, I suppose. But you won't find me dying for my country on the front lines or rallying against fur or the WTO. It's just not the stance I take.

As for regrets, I can dislike some actions from my past, and dislike situations into which I was thrust (or into which I thrust myself, if you get my meaning ;)), but I still try to live my life not dwelling on what cannot be changed.

Though I say that, I still find myself cringing a little when an ex-girlfriend mentions her one-night stand in a mass-email to my class (long story). So maybe denying myself regret is something I'll regret in the future.. but for now, I'm actually relatively content.

Thanks for asking.

P.S. Is it a mullet?? I figured you meant all those snakes on your head..
for the most part, i love my life and myself. there are a few things that i would change if i could go back to the past... for one, i would do more stuff w/my dad cause he died unexpectedly. i know that no one should have regrets, but i do. and about myself, i would want to be less shy so that i could talk to guys more easily... well, not just for that reason. but it would help. cause i've let so many nice guys slip away... nice guys don't come my way too often, i'm afraid...
~definition defier