Do you play any unusual instrument?

I wouldn't mind learning the Mandolin or even being totally redneck and learning the Banjo...

*waits for bombardment of Banjo jokes*
I used to play percussion in a symphony, so I'm somewhat adept at marimba, xylophone, etc. My favorite are Timpani though; for 3 out of the 4 years I played I was the dedicated Timpani player. I'm also decent with Latin and African percussion, and the Indian Dunbek.
I started to get comfortable playing the banjo and within 15 minutes of picking one up I had figured out how to play Slayer's South of Heaven. Aside from that I've learned how to play a few non-rock band instruments over the years: Trombone, Baritone (bass and treble clef), Tuba, Clarinet, Saxaphone, and can play a mean Auto Harp :lol:
I would LOVE to learn the Sitar.
I play drums on everything with my hands all the time. hahah.

I think berimbau is the weirdest I play better (afro-brazilian drum instrument like a bow with a dried pumpkin shell for resonance, used in capoeira mainly)

I think berimbau is the weirdest I play better (afro-brazilian drum instrument like a bow with a dried pumpkin shell for resonance, used in capoeira mainly)

I know how to play berimbau but don´t own one. It´s cheap, about 20 dollars, but takes too much space. By the way that´s not a pumpkim, is a "cabaça" (not sure if this thing has a name in english)

Anyone here knows how to play a bag pipe? LOL