Do you repeat lyrics and irritate your friends?

I drop obscure metal lyrics seemlessly into conversation with unsuspecting nonmetallers..
I add phrases from various DT songs, particularly from Skydancer, into English and History essays as often as possible (I'm taught these subjects in english).
Recently I've been tempted to say the lyrics "Be careful what you say, as reality offends" by David Gray... also "Love's a raven when it flies" by the same.

The first could work in so many situations.
A friend and I would say funny lines from The Simpsons around other people out loud. It would either annoy them or confuse them.
Once I learned Hammerfall's "The dragon lies bleeding" and translated it to Swedish.

I often catch myself singing different lyrics, but often transformd to non-existing words, swedish/polish words or just something that rhymes with dick. I guess I'm imature:spin:
@Rahvin - Let the lord of chaos rule, baby ;)
I don't go for lines, more the stereotype...the whole 'dark and grim and necro and tr00' black metal personage...the people who know what I'm talking about find it amusing...the ones who don't just laugh at my expense :grin:
Hey. newbie here :)
@Rahvin: omg the wheel of time! such a great, epic series. But will it ever end? lol i keep foregetting what has been happening as i wait for him to write the new ones. But i find myself saying
"may the light burn you!" or "may you find water and shade this day" a lot.

Recently though i wrote out the lyrics to Colony and left them in the kitchen of my flat pinned to the wall. The non-metal heads in my flat then proceeded to steer clear of me for a while lol.
welcome, malis! remember to check out other funny threads on this board: almost everything from same sex orgies to coffee brands has been covered somewhere. ;)

as for the brilliant wot, i have the same problem: i keep on re-reading the books an annoyingly amount of times, although of late i found there's a couple of places with chapter abstracts. for instance, you could try your luck here and look up all the cross-referencing faq's until you've got the worse headache in years. don't thank me, it was my pleasure. :p

ah thank you ;) i think i'm just gonna re-read them all and make a character list: noting next to the name whether we have found out if they are darkfriends or not :lol:
though wtf was with bring the forsaken back to life as different genders? so confusing
Well sir, you can call me Ishy, coz I'm as black as the ace of spades ;)
Hey, Rahvin, just had this great idea! Lets start our very own 'Wheel of Time's classic country songs' thread. It'll be a hit!!! :grin:
Originally posted by Malis
though wtf was with bring the forsaken back to life as different genders? so confusing

poor original plotting: rj clearly meant to end this by book five or six, but found out somewhere slightly before the ending of book four that the bad guys had to either start dropping dead like flies all of a sudden or the whole thing could be widened by 10x :D
notice how three-four thousand plot lines start out of the blue as soon as... erm... i get balefired. :grin:

@dark_jester: hmmm... something like "the wind that shakes the willow" or the soon-to-be-mentioned more daring "shove that trolloc horn up your sul'dam braid"? :p

rahvin. (r.i.p.)
whenever i play a new rpg i always call my character Rand now :rolleyes: Mat is clearly the best character hehe. though.... when is Moiraine coming back. comeon. we all know that she's still alive somewhere.
mm someone start a WoT thread, or i will!
Repeating lyrics all the time is FUN!
(Repeating anything all the time is fun.. But lyrics is better :))

"Madness in it's sweetest form!"
"Madness in it's sweetest form!"
"Madness in it's sweetest form!"
Originally posted by RealHazard
I do, and i find it fun. For example: repeat about 10 times
"The misanthropes were right to crucify themselves in the need of a saviour."
And translate it to your own speaking language.

Or...this is quite classic "in my world, the day is no threat
in my world, there is an absence of light" ...after repeating that for about 30 mins your friends try to tear your head of.

If YOU have´nt tried it...You should.

Reveal the powers of Wrath, tomorrow I am GOD!

Ive got friends like you and when they say nonesense crap like that i either

a) Beat them up
b) Make fun of them until they are so ashamed and out of comebacks they stay quiet for a while
c) Leave.