Do you Spotify?

It was really stupid. I read the thread, just seemed like a bunch of bullying jocks ganging up on one dude with little to no reason for it. Something about an Emperor interview or something - whatever it was fuckin stupid and uncalled for.

The funny thing is it seemed he said many worse things on that forum than what he actually got banned for.
The funny thing is it seemed he said many worse things on that forum than what he actually got banned for.

Yeah so I hear. Gotta say I never saw it and I have read several post he has left.
Issues like this just further proves how polarized people have become due to the internet, and they still continue to do so.

Still people should have the right to say what they want. And really you are a sad person if you let forum comments bother you that much.
Perhaps forums should give a disclaimer saying "We are a private club that shares a collective opinion and we will not stand for anyone to oppose that.... or something like that.
What is interesting and could be a social study is watching how people in these forums who seem somewhat apart from the status quo begin to fall in line with the collective. I have watched this with a few people in forums now. It is merely a herd mentality and of course eventually they fall in line or fall off, not much different than in the real world I suppose.
...then they all drink the punch.
banning anyone is stupid unless they are just spamming or posting stupid stuff that is off topic. A forum is for different idea's and point to have a debate over. I think sadly for some it is a "social" thing for them and they don't want their world messed up by someone who won't conform. Jason and I were banned from the Powerfest forum for a few years. Basically because we called out the promoters who at the time thought they could do no wrong with booking. It happens to everyone...they get a good year and instantly they think they can book anyone and it will do good or people will just accept it and like it. The year we were vocal about was the year they got Black Label Society and other more mainstream style acts. Basically all we did is voice our opinion against it and were banned...funny part is that we supported the show that year while others who backed up the promoters online didn't. That year also killed the fest and ended it for them. Sadly if they didn't let ego and personal choice get in the way and listened to the fans it would still be around today I bet and larger than it was back then.

I think banning because someone isn't playing nice shows that people can't handle others opinions on things. Cheap way to use a scare tactic to others to fall in line or else. Sure a forum is owned by someone and they can make their own rules for it...but a forum will get stale fast when everyone shares the same idea's on every topic. While this forum has about 12 people who post here only, we all don't see eye to eye on things and it is what makes it fun here. I would rather see 12 different opinions than 40 people post the same thing.

This forum is based around the fest but I would also rather see other talk about traditional / NWOBHM / doom / speed / thrash / cult / 80's metal or even current metal news and stuff. The fest is what brings it all together but the topics don't have to be centered around it. I think it was DCowboys who said something a while back where he enjoys coming here because he can say what he wants without getting into any trouble or flack.

so on that fear of getting banned here.
I've gotten in many arguments on that board over the years, some fun and interesting, some me just being an asshole, never really felt censored though. But I do like this board a lot better.
I've gotten in many arguments on that board over the years, some fun and interesting, some me just being an asshole, never really felt censored though. But I do like this board a lot better.

Well, no one here is tripping over themselves to please and appease. :kickass: There is a party line over there though. Especially in the Need & Dynazty threads.
So, there's this band called Slipknot that have a new album out. I hit play after clicking Private Session. Singer sounds a bit like Kory Clarke. Oops, now he sounds like Cavalera or Greene.
I actually just set up a free account yesterday. Seems like a good way to check out some newer music and also conveniently listen to music at work without having to copy over my entire collection. However, for me, I don’t see it ever replacing buying physical media. I doubt I would even upgrade to Premium. While the mechanics for paying royalties are way better than, say, the RIAA’s method, if I got a subscription it would still be subsidizing big name artists that I don’t listen to.