Do you think Catch 22 is a dissappointment??


So far, so good, so not!
Sep 15, 2001
Espoo, Finland
I think it´s pretty good album actually. It´s seems that they do every second time a soft (more melodic) album/ more brutal album like TFC, s/t, Into the Abyss, Catch 22...
I thought Catch 22 was very good, perhaps a bit better than Into the Abyss, but not quite as good as the S/T. Another factor is the more immediate appeal of Catch 22, as I don't know how much I'll love the album over the long haul, but nevertheless it's a solid album at least.
Why do people say it sounds like Slipshit? Is it because they read that somewhere therefor it must be true? I dont see the similarities myself. It just sounds like a more solid Hypocrisy album, maybe its because the songs are catchy. :confused:

edit: this is not a flame. :p
The Only reason people say: "It's shit, it sounds like Slipknot" is because in an interview Peter said he liked Slipknot & said he was writing some riffs like now people think they're just like Slipknot.
Catch 22 sounds nothing like Slipknot(O.k. well Turn The Page does), just sounds like the Self Titled cd.
So, bottom line - Hypocrisy still kicks 90% of the metal scenes ass.
They Still Rule & they sound just like themselves...not anyone else.
i dont think it sounds like slipknot at all,but i tihnk some of the songs are sorta nu-metal sounding.Some of the songs i like...some of them i dont like heh :headbang:
Nothing wrong with Catch 22, good album it is. The good thing with Hypocrisy is that their new album is always different from the previous one, so you'll never know how it's going to be next time. And.... Slipknot kicks ass!!!!!
Personally, I did find Catch 22 as somewhat of a dissapointment. I am excited for almost every Hypocrisy release, as I was with this one. But when I first heard it, some did remind of nu-metal. Not all, but some. Mostly it sounded almost as if Hypocrisy is trying to sound like certain New York thrash, & they are just no pulling it off well. Most of the songs on the album sound like songs that I skip on the other albums (i.e. Timewarp). I do like some of the material (Edge of Maddness, Seeds..., All Turned...), but I think it sounds less mature than their other material. None the less, I still support Hypocrisy as my favorite band & cannot wait for them to (hopefully) come to America.
Well at first when ppl were talking about the new album being shit and all i didn't believe it but then i heard it and it was a dissapointment. But now when i have listened to the all the songs more carefully i think its a really good album. Like songs Hatred my fav song from the album and edge of madness,uncontrolled. Hypocrisy seems to make a more mellow album then the next one is more extreme. But i did miss the more extreme vocals i hope he doesn't mix pain with hypo in the future the next release will definetly be a intresting one....
Speaking of the vocals, I thought they were horrible. Just like on most of Into the Abyss & 10 Years. It seems that either Peter is really tired of how he sounds, he is trying for a new sound, or he can not really do the extreme vocal thing anymore. All of the new vocals are so saturated with effects that they are hard to listen to.