Do you think Catch 22 is a dissappointment??

Catch 22 a disappointment?!? Hell no! I loved it the first second I heard it and I like it more each time I spin it. I was totally prepared for the direction they were taking on it, so none of it caught me by surprise, and that probably had a lot to do with it. Excellent album. I still think the S/T is their best, but this one is right up there as well...
Direction? Musically I do not think that Into the Abyss to Catch 22 was a logical progression of direction. I think it was a derogation to Hypocrisy's advancement.
Originally posted by Orias
Direction? Musically I do not think that Into the Abyss to Catch 22 was a logical progression of direction. I think it was a derogation to Hypocrisy's advancement.

Uh, if this is in reply to my use of the word "direction", then it is totally out of context, actually. What I meant by saying I was "prepared for the direction they were taking" simply had to do with reading interviews and from having contact with people like Dan Swano about it. He told me I was "going to faint" when I heard the new Hypocrisy, almost six months before it came out. That is IF you were replying to my post, that is! :D
Yess its a is a bad album...cause the album isnt an is some gathering of good songs and bad songs....there are 2 or 3 really good ones (seeds of the chaos one , another dead end, all turns black ) and some shitty ones...PAIN ones....there is a mix between Pain and hypocrisy on this album...

Just for the record its not that i dont like Pain...but its a different thing when you mix pain with hypocrisy and call it hypocrisy...
I love it man, I mean really far to many people are too crucial of music that is someone elses, so when you get a record contract and people start crapping on your cd cause it aint "necro" enough or whatever don't bitch!!
Hypocrisy Rules, whoo ha
Catch 22... hmmm ... hmmm ...what to think. I am not sure. It's cool, but there are some elements I don't like in it.

Still, it's aggressive and stuff, and that's what I like!
I just got it yesterday, must have heard it a dozen times already. I think it's fucking excellent. I cannot understand the 'sounds-like-nu-metal' comments I've heard/read, cause honestly I don't see the similarities (for a start, Hypocrisy use more than 3 chords....). Oh well, maybe my definition of Nu-Metal is radically different from everyone elses...
Production is great, I really like the different vocal approach (although I haven't heard the previous 2, so maybe it's not), and for the first time, my favourite song on a Hypocrisy album wasn't written by Peter (Hatred)
after a few listens i really liked the album.But there are songs the just sound exactly like nu-metal
A Public Puppet,Don't Judge Me
Hatred isnt a bad song,lots of chords but i still think it has a nu-metal sound to it
Well,at the beginning "Catch 22" disappointed me.After some listenings I felt better.I think it's not a masterpiece at all,just a good album with some ugly sounds.....too modern I mean.
I want old Death/Thrash Metal.....

anyway HYPOCRISY rules!

The Hammer