Do you think Catch 22 is a dissappointment??

Catch 22 is nothing like Slipknot. But it does not even come close to the masterful Abducted, Final Chapter, or s/t.
I like it, even if it is not as great as Abducted, TFC, or the s/t. Because after all, what IS as great as those three albums?!?!

I don't really like the vocal style, but I didn't like it much on Into the Abyss either. Peter has a great voice and doesn't need to bury it with effects.

Peter summed up the mixed feelings of it when I saw them live though... "okay, we're going to play some new shit AND some old shit, so EVERYONE will be happy!!!" They did, we were. :rock:

One thing I noticed about Don't Judge Me (which most fans seem to hate): the song is basically one note repeated over and over again, some might say nu-metal style (to me it's more early period death metal, sort of like old Slayer). At this point Hypocrisy fans know that they can create some of the most complex shit out there, and do not need to prove anything, so they grind away on that one with sheer aggression. To me that song is just a big FUCK YOU, lyrics and music both.
I love the album, Peter just does what he wants to and I love it all. Like Nothing remains The Same it is very polished and clear and very catchy. I hope Peter just carries on doing what he feels, cos so far I love it all.
I believe that Catch 22 is more "catchy" album than the others, but it remains very good. Mayby it hears like Slipknot sometimes but it's very good.
My favorite is "The Final Chapter".:rock:
when i first heard i was this is just slipknot....first time ever hearing this band..i had just gotten a bunch of random mp3s so i can expose myself to them before i considered buying them....

the songs i heard, sounded TOO much like slipknot, a band i can't stand (it'd be mere dislike if i didn't see their asses everywhere)...

i heard some older tunes, and they sound ok....

old slayer.....and early death....most death metal i've been exposed to have a lot more technical ability...even the grindcore bands.........not what i thought of when i heard Don't Judge Me....
Burning Darkness: pick up Abducted, The Final Chapter, or the s/t. You'll find quite a bit of technical ability from a damn good band. I don't dislike Catch 22, but it is definitely my least favorite album by them. It's a bad starting point for the band, they have a TON of quality material.
My personal opinion is like many of the others here: I like the album, but it's not my favorite. Yeah, a couple of the riffs do sound Slipknotty to these ears, but that's OK, I kinda like Slipknot. My favorite Hypocrisy album is probably the s/t, and I like Into the Abyss alot. That album was just bashed out in a couple of weeks and you can tell that they had alot of fun with it. Hypocrisy hasn't put out a bad album yet.
I kept listening this album several times, in different moods,... etc. I tried everything but i still dont like it. I prefer their previous albums. I admit that everybody is changing and i respect they did on Catch 22 what they wanted to try.. but i wonder, what does the always dissetisfied Peter really think aobut this album? ;)

And i wait what will be the next Hypocrisy album like?
While Catch was a bit of a departure from the tapestry of doom that Hypocrisy had weaved on previous works, it still had its strong tracks. Still, I must admit that it doesn't quite have the cohesiveness (that means the songs work well together; co - together; hesive - sticking) of previous works. More a bunch of songs collected on a record. Still good songs, thoough.