Do you want more alien abduction-themed lyrics on the next album?

yes? no? maybe? whatever?

  • yes

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • no

    Votes: 17 43.6%
  • I don't care about lyrics as long as the music is good

    Votes: 15 38.5%

  • Total voters
It's not like I don't care about the lyrics, but the
music is so good, it totally overwhelms me...
I get more ideas from the music, than I do from
the lyrics, if you know what I mean :eek:)
i said no, It worked perfectly for "In Search of Truth" but I think they can move on and do different things...
I think it would be cool if it comes naturally to them to make another album with those themes. I´m a huge X Files fan so I thought it was really a good idea.
I don't want to see Evergrey pidgeonhole themselves. I think they have pushed the theme as far as it can go.

I agree with the other no-voters...

No complains about Evergrey lyrics so far but alien lyrics are generally no favorites of mine...
The alien thing is kind of corny if you ask me. The music is great, but I don't think they need to follow the abduction theme much further...

I know they've got so much more to offer... especially more realistic themes. After all, they're a pretty emotional band at times.
Although I said that I don't wish to see Evergrey continue to pursue the alien theme in their lyrics, I think Tom has done a brilliant job in pulling off a topic that could be viewed, if conceived by a lesser lyricist, as corny or "cheesy".

I would also like to have the "Sadness and Sorrows" theme brought back again, those kind of lyrics fits Tom`s voice perfect.
Alien themes have been done to death. I agree that Sadness and Sorrows is probably their best work. A fresh approach would be stimulating.
Whatever the band decides to do, I trust that their music will be just as great as it has been. For me the lyrics are not that important, it's the music that counts.