Do you wipe your arse standing up or sitting down?

The More You Know!!!

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It dawned on me this morning that wiping in the standing position would be the proper method while crapping in the woods. Unless you had a sturdy branch near waist high, wiping while crouched may lead to balance problems that could quite possibly lead to a messy dislodging of said fecal residue.
I got a couple hemorrhoids from wiping too hard once. I thought I had some kind of ass-tumor. Scary shit. Especially since there were two big ones almost covering the circumference of my anus, effectively cutting shit circulation. Prep-H works better than I thought it would. A few days of torturous shits and white jelly filled undergarments though. Tough times.
Both my room mates moved out for a week and a half. I cleaned the bathroom and everything. One of my room mates that is a convert from Standing to Sitting came back here last night. He went to shower and shit, and I go in 2 hours later. There were fucking brown streaks on the fucking toilet! He doesn't even know how to wipe!
I was think that'd it'd be too hard to depict a guy wiping while sitting down, so they had to put him standing up.