Squid pro quo
I need to put this on my next year's christmas list.
I need to put this on my next year's christmas list.
What does that mean? Like they stand up on the seat to get into the squatting position? Or they hover above the toilet so they touch nothing?!
If there were more females on this board then I might start a thread regarding tampon insertion method. I can only shove it in while standing straight up![]()
I'll just answer this here since I'm basically the only other female around for the most part other than Lioness. =]
Back when I used tampons (I stopped because of the risk of toxic shock and because they hurt and I didn't like a string hanging out of me while I piss on it) I would insert them sitting on the toilet, breathing deeply out and trying to relax. :|
I recently tried the Diva Cup but it is too big for my vagina. Wtffffffff.
So I'm back to pads for now....will look for something similar to the Cup but hopefully a little smaller.
This toilet , however, was "low flow" but proclaimed to be "high power." I was told it could flush the equivalent of a donut with no problem.
Haha, some old people in Japan don't understand western style toilets. Occasionally you'll see some instructions at them telling old people not to stand on the seat and just sit the fuck down.
Oh, and I have to say, I don't understand people not folding the toilet paper when they wipe. Just wadding it up? Animals.
I've tried sitting and standing. Standing gets you cleaner. I broke two toilet seats by wiping while sitting. Lean my 190 lbs on one side and *crack*. So no more seated for me.
Seems like wiping towards the back while seated would just smear your poop up onto your lower back.
did you hear that? karen likes to do it while standing up![]()