Does anyone actually like metalcore?

while I hate the label, some of the newer hardcore that has death metal/ melodic detah metal influences is pretty darn good:

Dead to fall
On Broken WIngs
As I lay Dying
Scars of Tommorow
IF hope Dies
how it ends

all have decent albums
"Ok, umm cave-in isn't even "metalcore" anymore there a rock band now"

right. that's why i said "old cave in." "beyond hypothermia" and the second CD (well, first full length, b/c hypothermia was just a collection of 7"s) is metalcore stuff.

i'm glad some people hate this thread.

-the newbie-an prince Terminator X
Terminator X said:
well that's awesome for you mister nobody.

either way, my curious inquiry has been answered as a few of you have said that yes, you do actually like them. that's all i wanted to know. i'm not quite sure what's getting you so worked up.

i forgot to mention my least favorite one though: dillinger escape plan.

I don't understand how you can't at least respect Dillinger..the music they've created is genius. They're incredible musicians..
I love this kind of stuff. The good bands such as Lamb of God, Prayer for Cleansing, Unearth, Shadows Fall(sorta) are really talented and play good metal with hardcore breakdowns it just sounds sweet. So much better than regular hardcore which i find very boring and repetitive. Not all metalcore is my cup of tea though there are shitty bands just like in any genre.
Converge are not metalcore

The rest are, and yes I enjoy it from time to time. However, the genre has become pretty stagnant with everyone trying to sound like early 90s melodic death bands.
Metalcore is great, at least the bands who proclaim that they are metalcore are quite good. I never really understood the damn genre, hardcore, metalcore, rapcore, I don't know. But bands that incorparate hardcore with a little speed, ala Shadows Fall and Killswitch Engage are okay by me. Particularly Shadows Fall, who I personally think is a real kickass band. Is Hatebreed considered metalcore, or just standard hardcore? I dig the music Hatebreed provides the masses. Yeah, so I guess I do rather like hardcore, I mean metalcore.

Fake Metal? I don't see any point to this. Metalcore in teh past two years or so has become incredible stale. Only a few bands have managed to do something different. All of these newer bands try to be as technical as they can be. Which is becoming very stagnant.

But the Metalcore/Hardcore scene a few years ago was far superiorto teh rehased bands thats out today.
I love some of that metalcore/hardcore. Blessing The Hogs for example. It can be pretty brutal and hyper at times.
Blood has been shed , prayer for cleansing , are the fuckin shit . terminator i use to listen to like half of those pussy ass punk bands you mentioned till i got into HxC and metalcore. most kids listened to punk b4 metalcore or hxc. but punk lacked a certain hardness to it and punk just sucks at technicality.
i dont give a shit if its nu metal or supposidly fake as some old school metal heads would say. plus dude your on a metal forum down talking metalcore when you listen to gay ass punk whinny whinny bullshit. people just pissed at the way metal is evolving so they bitch bout it.

BLACK DAHLIA MURDER is the fuckin Shit !!!!!!!!
New God Forbid is very good, and Killswitch.

Surprised more don't like Blood Has Been Shed... they are very heavy and technical. I always thought of them as the Meshuggah of Metalcore. Also Jones' vocals are brutal.
SculptedCold said:
I want applecore bands :yell:

most metalcore bands are ridiculously formulaic, make up random parts to space out your breakdowns. there are some that are worthy of merit though, i.e. lamb of god, shadows fall, converge, dep, mastodon, shai hulud, turmoil, kiss it goodbye, the red chord....well thats about it.

honestly im biased cause i hate metalcore scene kids with a passion beyond burning. ridiculous fashion obsessed pretty boys and their pseudo gangster crews. give me a break.