Does anyone actually like metalcore?

BlessedAreTheSick said:
You would consider Lamb of God and Mastodon Metalcore?

every once in a great while the lines actually blur, here are 2 examples. a lot of the difference is in dynamic, at least with good metalcore bands. lamb of god has some breakdowns and discordant parts that qualify pretty easily as metalcore, and the whole aesthetic of the band itself is more akin to hardcore than metal i.e. live shows. i couldnt tell you why i think mastodon is metalcore, guess they just strike me that way. surprisingly enough it doesnt bother me though.
Mister Nobody said:
snow core
can’t take it any more
my core
your core
this core
that core
one core
i can’t take it
:D ...Guttermouth were fun to listen to at one point...too bad they changed for the worst. You made one little mistake though. :p

Ska core
Snow core
Hard core
Homo core
Alba core
I can’t take it anymore
My core
Your core
This core
That core
One core
I can’t take it!!
Ben_t said:
:D ...Guttermouth were fun to listen to at one point...too bad they changed for the worst. You made one little mistake though. :p

Ska core
Snow core
Hard core
Homo core
Alba core
I can’t take it anymore
My core
Your core
This core
That core
One core
I can’t take it!!
:tickled: :tickled: :tickled: :tickled:

BulletRider said:
curl up and die is not metalcore. you're stupid:)

The majority of bands mentioned in this thread are not metalcore! Most of the mentioned bands are hardcore or a sub-genre of hardcore. To be honest i'm not entirely sure what the definition of metalcore is :confused:
Lamb of God has no hardcore in them at all they are straight up aggressive metal like say Pantera,etc...... Mastodon are not metalcore.
Funeral Portrait said:
Lamb of God are nothing like Pantera, so you shut the fuck up.

And Mastodon is not metalcore.

God Forbid rools.

I said Lamb of God is straight up aggresive metal like Pantera. I did not say they are pantera or they sound like Pantera dickhead I said they are straight up aggressive metal like pantera(do you want me to repeat it ?) which is saying Pantera is to metal as Lamb of God is to metal. Learn how to read and comprehend then come back and tell me to shut the fuck up dumbfuck.
its not like its any different on any message board anywhere. people are bored and arguments are a good way to pass the time. does it really matter? naah, but it usually makes for interesting discussion. in other news, psycroptic-the isle of disenchantment is blowing a hole in my chest right now. such good stuff.
Spirit In Black said:
sounds like some one has really listened to alot of metalcore

I've heard a few bands and that was too much. Believe me, they all have the same formula for every fucking song, Drop D guitar riffage so they can get their "heavy" sound. Then they throw in the Major scale in most riffs to make the songs sound melodic, then they rip off numerous bands who hang off the nuts of ATG's, Iron Maiden and whoever has melodic guitar playing.

Then they throw in their breakdowns in the middle of the song cause the songwriting is stale, trite and they are just a hardcore band trying to play a poppier, watered down version of metal. Then you have the whiny, obnoxious screechy singer who attempts death metal vocals aka Himsa. And now you have a new metalcore band for MTV2 to pass off as metal to dissolute the distinction between real metal and hardcore. Then it all ends with the UM boarder's who lick the sack of, As I Lay Dying, Himsa, The Black Dahlia Murder, Shadows Fall, and other crappy generic, ripoff bands that the "underground" as far as UM goes accepts. :Smug: