Does anyone dislike Warrel's singing?

AnvilSnake said:
I also am not the bigest fan of the growl. But there are some people that really kick-ass at it.

Whether or not the singer is good at it doesn't matter much to me. I don't mind growling for emphasis, but it should not be the only form of vocals on an album. There are probably 200 bands that I would love if it weren't for the non-stop growling coming from the singer.

Warrell's vocals rule.
Opeth, I like the growls. But I think part of the reason i like it so much is because the music that goes along with it is excellent, and I like how Mikael switches between growling and clean vocals. And of course i like his clean vocals.
Warrel is one of my favorite singers out there. I love everything about his voice. As much as I love ALL the work of the entire band, I have got to say that it is Warrel's singing and purely poetic genious lyrics that are my very favorite aspect.
Devy_Metal said:
if you want amazing vocals check out a flame to the ground beneath by lost horizon or the new (and only) heed album. same singer...drop dead spectacular voice.

Yea, that guy is fucking AWESOME. One of my favorite voices out there. I have yet to hear him with Heed yet however. What is their music like?
The Moth God said:
Yea, that guy is fucking AWESOME. One of my favorite voices out there. I have yet to hear him with Heed yet however. What is their music like?

dude the music is a bit heavier than LH and not as "warrior-like" if that makes sense. its basically more upfront metal without tons of keyboards and stuff. but daniel sounds so awesome. go to and listen to the jukebox that plays clips from the Heed album. it sounds very, very promising.
Is it just me, or does anybody else want to ravage Warrel Dane's manly body? He's that good. It took me a while to get used to his singing 'cause when I first heard it, I was like.. "UM, I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THIS!!" But something made me want to look into it further, and I did; rest is history!
Danimal said:
So... What does the backwards message say? I have been wondering this myself. Everytime I listen to Sentient, I say "I should figure out a way to play that backwards..." But, I am WAY too lazy :grin:

The first part is something repeated about 4 times, I can't make it out, but then he says "I am the bringer of the end hear me, I am the beast that is technology"
Absolutely not. I love his voice! What I really like in vocalists is versatility. That's one of the reasons why Freddie Mercury is my favorite.

Warrel can go from the Halford scream to an ominous low dictation, to a midrange wail, to a soft, lament, to a demonic bellow. I also like how he mixes and layers his vocals. It takes a special talent and a special ear to do that. He has a big influence on my vocals in that you have to really communicate your message the best way possible - even if it's an outisde-the-box thing.

Dreaming Neon lack was my introduction to Nevermore. When I first listened to the album and it came to the title track I thought "This guy can't sing a ballad." But I came to understand that the vocals were intended to be that way because the story/message was intended to be communicated that way. I didn't get the vocals at first because of my preconceived notion of how a song should be. Now it's my favorite album of Nevermore's and a defining point in the DNB story.

Warrell is a great vocalist/frontman and one of the last great ones, as Loomy once said. Sorry to say that there isn't much the next generation has to offer. If I make it, I hope to do it justice. I hope Warrell outlasts Ozzy in the music world - I'm sure he has so much left to offer before he's through with us.

Long live the Dane!! :rock:
WD is my favorite vocalist of all time. The range is unbelievable. How can this even be up for debate?

I hate growlers, growling isn't singing IMO, thus my huge respect for Dane's style.
Jody42147 said:
WD is my favorite vocalist of all time. The range is unbelievable. How can this even be up for debate?

I hate growlers, growling isn't singing IMO, thus my huge respect for Dane's style.

I don't think it's fair to hate growlers, however, hating growling is fine. And of course it's not singing =P that's why it's called growling :Spin:
Seasons_Of_Destruction said:
Is it just me, or does anybody else want to ravage Warrel Dane's manly body? He's that good. It took me a while to get used to his singing 'cause when I first heard it, I was like.. "UM, I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THIS!!" But something made me want to look into it further, and I did; rest is history!