Does anyone else think that...

Jan 8, 2002
the Darkest Hour ads are rediculous? Calling their album a "masterpiece" and "album of the decade" and if you've seen the trailer, they compare it to albums like Ride The Lightning and Slaughter of the Soul. Don't get me wrong, I think they are a good band, but this is just wayyyy too much praise. It just seems corny to me.
Ah thats just rediculous, albums cant be compared to Slaughter the Soul and Ride The Lightning, especially in ad's, im sure it wasnt their idea, but they are just going along with yeah... Yeah Darkest Hour is a Metal band. They may look hardcorish but its straight up Metal.
I didn't say they weren't a metalband...they're definitely metal. I called them "Scene"...but I take that comment back, I think "scene" is very 2004 and I don't see them wearing makeup or any of that.
I haven't seen the ads, but it seems to me that most of the time an album gets labeled with stuff like that, it's either dead on accurate and the album is a masterpiece, ( Rarely ) or more often, a sub par rip off of all the bands it's compared too.