Does anyone else think that Opeth isn't really uh..


sock puppet
Oct 14, 2002
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..ambitious enough? I think they could be really cool if they tried some different stuff.

And don't tell me "but Damnation! so innovative and ambitious!" cuz it wasn't. It was not very good, IMO.

So does anyone agree with me?

Yes I must agree. Structure-wise, Opeth's sound is really worn out IMO.

They made their biggest step with MAYH and since then, the albums was built on the same engine.

If they want to redefine music once again, they'll need to bring up something new...
I agree again. I must say I was quite disappointed with Deliverance and Damnation, especially Deliverance... but especially Damnation.
This is funny, because personally, I have very much enjoyed everything up to D1/2, and I enjoy D1/2 as well, just not as much as the rest, and perseonally, I love their style, and I would rather them stick to playing what they are best at, like going back to maybe another Morningrise, or MAYH. I would still like to see some innovation, but I just don't think that a band can innovate so much, and be so ambitious, I mean come on, how many bands do you know that can beat Opeth at what they do???
Too much ambition, and you may have an entirely new band which could lose that which is Opeth.

I like what I hear, and have enjoyed their progression through their career.
Wow, you people are the pickiest I have ever heard, ever! I personally love Damnation (even though it is almost too Porcupine Tree like), and the songs off Deliverance (I don't have it yet) are great. Blackwater Park is my favorite so far. It has so much more polish and a better flow than Morningrise, I don't see why something has to be completely unpredictable to be good. Simplistic music is awful, but using the main riff of a song two times in a 5:00 + song is great, not bad. Not to mention I LOVE the tone they have on the past 3 albums. The clean is AMAZING, and the huge, multiple tracked distortion is great too.

The point? Nothing.
I never liked Steve Wilson's influence in Opeth. Hell, I don't even like Porcupine Tree.

@metalman: I dunno if that's true. Like, I don't think Kill Bill takes away from Pulp Fiction or Reservoir Dogs. Anyway, I'd be interested in seeing what Opeth is really capable of doing. They are talented, but..they seem lazy. I dunno.
Opeth hasn't interested me that much lately, mostly because of the bit above average D-albums. I truly hope that next album will be something different, something more experimental.

Maybe they'll start making crappy mainstream rock in the vein of Creed and Nickelback? THAT WOULD RULE SO MUCH!
Aecliptica said:
not really, your just a fanboy that cant acknowlede the face that there are other bands out there that are better


like porcupine tree?

if damnation wasn't original enough for you guys nothing will be, so instead of spewing how they should do something original in broad generalities lets here some specific suggestions on exactly what your brilliant music minds think they should do next.
Opeth will continue to do what they want. I don't really have a problem with that. I'm not losing sleep or anything. I just think they could make much better music if they tried something different. Mikael said something about a two track black metal album next. I think that could be really cool. We'll see, though!

Damnation wasn't original. This is like, a fact or something. I mean, you can still like it. I didn't. But please don't try to tell me it was original.
Damnation was original in terms of Opeth, but original in terms of the whole music industry? No way.

I am looking forward to their new CD as much as the next guy, but I have a little feeling somewhere in my stomach that isn't so confident.
Post_Scriptum said:
well name me another metal band that did what Opeth did with D2
Ulver with Nattens Madrigal and Kveldsfanger.
The music is different, of course, but the concept is freaking similar.
Aecliptica said:
not really, your just a fanboy that cant acknowlede the fact that there are other bands out there that are better



Metallica and Megadeth come to mind. Just more bitchy metalheads whining because their former favorite band did something different, or didn't radically change. Shut the fuck up, you're like a early version of 90% of the former Metallica fanbase.