Does Anyone have any 'Unusual' Hobbies?

Izual said:
hobbies (though not really unusual): my wife, building sick computer gaming rigs ($$$), collecting music (CD and vinyl), home theater, collecting 1984-1986 Transformers (maybe this one is unusual)


dude that is one stand-up collection of hobbies.

i also collect vinyl. cheesy classic rock :D
Making music, collecting music, photography, offroading, camping, and drinking heavily.

I don't think any of those are unusual, but many people look at me cross-eyed when I show them my favorite beers. "Why is it... black?" which is roughly translated to "hey that isn't watered down piss, that's not beer!" Morons. :Spin:
Food network does have it's moments, but animal planet rules 18/7 (not 24/7 cause there's paid programming 6 hours a day :D ).
IanDork107 said:
Food network does have it's moments, but animal planet rules 18/7 (not 24/7 cause there's paid programming 6 hours a day :D ).


paid programming rules...I like the "chi bracelet" the golfer....

"FEEEEL the energy flowing through your wrist and into your body the MOMENT you put on the Chi Bracelet!" :Spin: