Non-musical hobbies?

Depends on how much you are slingin. If it's enough for you and a friend, generally speaking, then you usually just get a ticket and it's confiscated (obviously). If it's enough to sell to like 3 people, then you're fucked. I don't know the exact laws, I know these days the laws are the most lenient that they have ever been though... my thinking is simply don't get fucking caught with it :lol: This way I don't have to know the laws ;)


1 Ounce or more is a felony.
Already seen it, covers just about everything. The whole campaign is an embarrassment, but without an educated population that asks questions there's precisely shit we can do.


So did you like the documentary?

I thought it was a good depiction of how things are. P and T are the shit.
My favorite was the Harvard Doc that said it was perfect for medicine and the Gov worker that smoked like 10 joints a day.

I thought that the term "DEVIL'S LETTUCE" was ace. I've never heard that before. haha so THANK YOU.
So did you like the documentary?

I thought it was a good depiction of how things are. P and T are the shit.
My favorite was the Harvard Doc that said it was perfect for medicine and the Gov worker that smoked like 10 joints a day.

Yeah, it was preaching to the choir but very well put together. However, being the asshole who's so conservative he doesn't think governments have the right to tax or restrict personal freedom, I wasn't in need of convincing so I'm not sure how effective it would be against others.

If you think about it...the thing that really depresses me is the fact that there has been anti-weed shit going on for decades, and alongside it, of course, a pro-weed counterpart from the beginning. Over decades, it's still not legal. What I think is funny, though, is that over all these decades, the anti-weed campaign's points get debunked left and fucking right by the pro-weeders, yet it's like the pro-green people just get dismissed - even though they have arguments that are valid! Frustrating as fuck. I want to move to Canada.

Jeff: Then you know as well as I do that the IRS should have zero authority...yet they can imprison you if you don't pay. WTF M8?!?
no weed or video games but





Your hobby is holding money? Ok man, cool, whatever floats your boat! :D

And as for the herb, I've smoked a handful of times over the years (as recently as a few months ago), and really not liked it each time; I just felt too stupid, and I gotta say, while I can believe there's been a lot of misinformation spread (I don't really know what cuz I never pay attention one way or the other), I know some people who are FUCKING RETARDED from smoking weed so much, so don't tell me there are no long term effects or that people shouldn't be cautious. Yes, you guys are not fucking retarded (at least as far as I can tell ;)), and I have a lot of friends who blaze a lot that are still sharp, but then I know a lot of people who really are just the spaced-out stoner stereotype, and ugghhh, it tries my patience. I think it's safe to say making someone goofy and stupid is one of the major effects of weed, so isn't it easy to imagine a lot of it would be cumulative?
And also, while I accept that weed isn't physically addictive, it has a strong enough effect that I can believe it'd be VERY habit-forming, and I've heard of people for whom weed is like their daily coffee(s), they can't function without it.
Aye. I know many a person like that, but my answer is simply one word: "Darwin."

They're weak is all.
If they don't have the ability to say no it's their own fault.

Harsh? Maybe.
True, probably.

I blaze fairly regularly and I'm 100x more worried about my tobacco smoking than my weed smoking.

Anyway, other hobbies.
Video games, MOVIES (I'm a dvd addict,) Guinness (not an addict but I love the stuff haha,) watching comedy dvd's.. Uh..
oh yeah, herbal tea.
Currently in love with Twinings Cherry + Cinnamon tea. OH LAWD its good.
2 tea spoons of honey, 2 sugars, left to brew for 5 minutes.
oho yes.
Infact. I'm gonna make some like right now
Addictive, a-shmictive. Anything that makes people think the movie Napoleon Dynamite is hilarious oughta be illegal. :goggly:

I saw that movie high and I was bored almost to tears.
Scarface on the other hand... Comedy gold when you're wasted.

Also check the fancy sig.
Firefox extension... Niiiice.

Now playing: Mono - Holy
via FoxyTunes
And also, while I accept that weed isn't physically addictive, it has a strong enough effect that I can believe it'd be VERY habit-forming, and I've heard of people for whom weed is like their daily coffee(s), they can't function without it.

big +1

nearly everyone i know that smokes regularly is a total idiot. some people do need it though so i don't know. i personally don't care for it so hey whatever floats your boat.
Nearly everyone I know is a total idiot, so I don't count that as evidence toward habit-forming or intelligence-decreasing properties of marijuana.

Wow...this is going to sound weird.

Non-music-related hobbies. Genealogy, BMX, Freemasonry (I think that may qualify more as a "pasttime", home brewing, cooking, and a lot of reading.