Does anyone here actually get anywhere?

idk dude, i honestly think that a lot of people here do get somewhere.....granted that somewhere may not be anything close to what your wanting to achieve, but its deffinatly a start..and if its better than what you could do a week ago...than its a great accomplishment,

You also have to think..this isnt a magical audio engineering training camp...its just a forum that happens to have a ton of great people and great information, that people are willing to share with the rest of the community.

as much as people share techniques, ideas, thoughts, and basically everything else there is to do to help anyone that cares to listen...essentialy...its all up to you to make it happen. good luck:)
think about it like this..

its like eating food in neverland, you cant just eat the air.

yeah not sure if this works as an analogy but wtfeva.
To be honest I dont think any one can be better or worse than anyone else. Its subjective... To me, my mixes sound awesome, but hey Im not in this game to impress myself.. now thats another story.
Because it's magic and you can't have any. :cry:

hahaha... awesome

i would have to agree with the earlier statement that there are people here that have reached a "pro" sound in their recordings... ie - they get that major label record sound. and from what i can tell, some people here have done it without the $100K + studio full of toys. and its pretty cool that theyre humble about it too.

but if you mean "making it" as working with the major labels, then thats a whole other conversation which depends on much more than just your recording skills
hahaha... awesome

i would have to agree with the earlier statement that there are people here that have reached a "pro" sound in their recordings... ie - they get that major label record sound. and from what i can tell, some people here have done it without the $100K + studio full of toys. and its pretty cool that theyre humble about it too.

but if you mean "making it" as working with the major labels, then thats a whole other conversation which depends on much more than just your recording skills

judging by the reviews of this shirt i found on amazon, purchasing this and wearing it should make you pretty much awesome at everything in life. so get it, and wear it during your next mixing sesh
I started with doing recordings 7 years back. With a crapy PC, some freeware sequenzer, V-amp and a synthie (for playing drums on). I had so high latency of my crappy AMD onboard soundcard, that I have to cut about 2sec of every take:) I was 16years old back than and I was totaly happy to produce some demos for my band(s).
After a while I was asking my self why everything else sounds so much better then my shit. So I trained my ears, bought so many equipment, spent thousands and mor thousands of €.
Went with my band to two different studios in that time. I was a stalker of the engineers at those places^^. I was reading a lot of books....

But one thing was clear for me (when I was 14years old) :
Audio producer/engineer is my dream job. No doubt about that after all these years.

Now I´m some kind of confident with what I am doing for two reasons:
1. I know exactly WHAT I´m doing with any tools (mic,mixer, plugins, monitors)
2. I get the sound I want with my tools

But the asking part will never end;)
Like, how da hell gets Colin richardson this amazing guitar tunes.
How made Andy this unreal good drumsound of the first 36 Crazyfists he did?

You guys are right. It´s a journey!!!!
You never learn out, you may find a way to go.
I have just started getting into engineering and recording. I personally am not wanting to get anywhere major with recording. I just want to be able to record my band and other bands and produce near 'Pro' quality recordings. I am still building up my collection of gear so I have a long way to go. Having said that this forum has been a godsend to me so far to me. The guys on here are great, they are so helpful and i have learned so much from this forum, even though i havent been on here long.

I am not wanting to have a load of expensive gear, i want to be able to have average gear but be able to use it well. I have my main focus which is my band (I do guitar and electronics), recording is just a way of getting my bands songs out there, learning about audio engineering and being able to record my own band means that we can have the EXACT sound we want and be there for the whole process so that we are 100% happy with everything. Plus there is no cost (apart from buying the gear) meaning we can take our time and not rush it because of limited monies.

In summary, Recording is a brilliant side project to my band, its fun, its interesting and you learn about the effort that goes into well produced albums.

keep at it, I certainly will :headbang:
I would just like to say that the OP's post format is extremely weird and slightly irritating.
I don't need to become a super producer (who wouldn't like to?), it's just about all the fun while you improve, cuz there's no end in this little world.
I love what I do, and I don't need to get "anywhere", but just to make something I like doing, no matter how will it end.
Wait, wait, wait...You're posting this thread on a forum where people FREELY give info, tips, etc. on how they achieve great mixes, not to mention the forum is NAMED after an engineer/producer/turd polisher who is WIDELY KNOWN for producing great work (better than Bogren IMO but that's subjective) AND frequent/occasional visitors include James Murphy, Colin Richardson, Joey Sturgis, Dave Otero, Lasse, and Mr. Sneap himself, as well as dudes like Black Neon Bob, Splat, Ermz, Eddy, Aaron Smith, Matt from Theocracy, etc.?????????????

All the while, giving us these tips, us lowly wannabes, not only takes time out of their schedules, but also takes advantage of their talent, time, and money to derive these techniques in the first place, and you want MORE PROOF?


Wait, wait, wait...You're posting this thread on a forum where people FREELY give info, tips, etc. on how they achieve great mixes, not to mention the forum is NAMED after an engineer/producer/turd polisher who is WIDELY KNOWN for producing great work (better than Bogren IMO but that's subjective) AND frequent/occasional visitors include James Murphy, Colin Richardson, Joey Sturgis, Dave Otero, Lasse, and Mr. Sneap himself, as well as dudes like Black Neon Bob, Splat, Ermz, Eddy, Aaron Smith, Matt from Theocracy, etc.?????????????

All the while, giving us these tips, us lowly wannabes, not only takes time out of their schedules, but also takes advantage of their talent, time, and money to derive these techniques in the first place, and you want MORE PROOF?



I'd add Oz to that list otherwise....

This /thread.
If mixing isn't fun now, it isn't going to be fun when you're any good either.

AMEN to that.

Making your own music sound better, learning stuff, having fun.
Sounds like "getting somewhere" already for me.
Getting further is just extra/icing on the cake.

Not to mention that it's like any activity you spend some time on... there are up and downs... Just comparing some of your old productions and your recent ones should make you feel better already and getting back on track.
If not then maybe get away from that... not everyone has to be the next Andy Sneap...