Does anyone think.....

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I like my omelets with ham, bacon, peppers and alittle onion, preferably red peppers, red pappers are better than green anyday, but orange and yellow are equally good.
Peppers aren't good at all. Neither are onions or sausage. Ham is ok sometimes, but I really have to be in the mood for ham. Bacon is pretty awesome, but I'm losing interest in meat altogether pretty quickly. I don't know, I still love a juicy greasy cheeseburger on occasion.

My ideal omelette is cheddar cheese, mushrooms, olives and bacon if I'm in the mood. The one I had today was reeeeeeal tasty though. I may go back and make my ultimate omelette tomorrow. We'll see.
When I make an omlette, I pour in my milk and eggs, whip the shit out of them (thats right!), cook them a bit in olive oil, toss in some chopped onions, bell peppers, tomatos, black cracked pepper, salt, and sometimes some salsa.
..Anything to make the eggs taste better :cool:
metalized hates eggs. cuz he's allergic (yes, rare allergy). and can't get vaccine against flue.

I adore them, especially hard boiled, whichever dish contains them goes too. :D my gall bladder doesn't appreciate it though.

also, could someone explain what is "melted american cheese"? :err:

I also like Nirvana Unplugged. "Jesus Doesn't Want Me For A Sunbeam" is my fav.

yes, someone is jealous and envious. it's obvious.