Does anyone think.....

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talentless said:
Does anyone think a certain fat idiot is jealous of someone that still has a career?
Not me -- if this were a tr00ly fat jealous idiot, he/she/it/they would be TOTALLY down with this grubbin' thread.

Mmmmmm omlettes............

BTW, sourdough bread is bread that's made with a sourdough starter to make it rise instead of yeast. With newer cultures (yeast cultures, not civilizations) it imparts a sour flavor to the bread. The cultures mellow over time until eventually the bread just tastes like chewey, crispity French bread. That's my answer and I'm sticking to it.
Bacchante said:
When I make an omlette, I pour in my milk and eggs, whip the shit out of them (thats right!), cook them a bit in olive oil, toss in some chopped onions, bell peppers, tomatos, black cracked pepper, salt, and sometimes some salsa.
..Anything to make the eggs taste better :cool:

Thats just good stuff..............mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:Spin:
Bacchante said:
When I make an omlette, I pour in my milk and eggs, whip the shit out of them (thats right!), cook them a bit in olive oil, toss in some chopped onions, bell peppers, tomatos, black cracked pepper, salt, and sometimes some salsa.
..Anything to make the eggs taste better :cool:

Final_Product said:
Just cant beat omlettes :p

Oh, I beg to differ.

In regards to the question about sour dough bread, it originated in westward expansion in the US as cooks and people making bread couldn't afford much sugar or keep milk or eggs fresh. Effetively, it's just purely flower and yeast with nothing added and tends to be more sour than other bread.

I have this curse where anytime I hear random facts or information, I can't ever seem to forget it. I'm looking into drugs that will help with this.
Necromunchkin said:
In regards to the question about sour dough bread, it originated in westward expansion in the US as cooks and people making bread couldn't afford much sugar or keep milk or eggs fresh. Effetively, it's just purely flower and yeast with nothing added and tends to be more sour than other bread.

I have this curse where anytime I hear random facts or information, I can't ever seem to forget it. I'm looking into drugs that will help with this.
I have the same curse about being wrong. Until I take my meds, can you save me by reading the following:

(I know, I'm pathetic)
Nightshade said:
I have the same curse about being wrong. Until I take my meds, can you save me by reading the following:

(I know, I'm pathetic)

An encyclopedia that allows ANYONE to edit entries however they want doesn't make much sense to me. It's nice to see that they're taking precautions to prevent that from now on, though.

And their information on sourdough seems to be pretty accurate :)
dead_fetus said:
Man you should have seen this omellete I had for breakfast. There's this place by my house called Patty's Eggnest. Holy shit, I'm not kidding, that could probably be the best omellete I have ever eaten. It was mushroom and cheese. It also came with some really awesome hashbrowns, sourdough toast with real homemade strawberry jam (they make it themselves in the restaraunt), water, orange juice and a piping hot cup of black coffee. Omelletes are my new favorite food.

I live right by there!

Oh hey, someone new to stalk?
I think so!
Since everyone is bumping threads, I thought this gem deserved another round. I still love me a good omelette! Had one today actually, abcon and cheese.

Mistress Masie said:
I live right by there!

Oh hey, someone new to stalk?
I think so!

And I never saw this post originally. I'd allow stalking, but I don't live by Patty's Eggnest anymore :(