Does anyone write


Inspiring audio engineer
Jul 28, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Does anyone write music on their computer using like GP, or PT. Even fl studio or anything like that. I am really looking for someone to collab with.
I like seeing people try to combine styles so much, a lot of it can't be done, they all have elements in them that are vital for someone to recognize the style. Experimental Punk probably can't be done if you want to create a sound that shows the Experimental and the Punk, you can combine it to make something different though.

And I use FLstudio rarely.
I can't say that "chaotic experimental noise punk" would appeal to me much but I would likely be interested in collaborations in general. Post a link to something you've been working on and you'll probably find a few interested participants.

I've browsed around a few collaboration sites but there tends not to be much Metal. It would be nice to get some collabs going here where people are at least roughly heading in the same direction.
I tried to do a brutal death metal collab. But the guy bailed on me. Oh and about the experimenta blah blah punk. I am really stressing. I am trying to write stuff but I just suck at writing guitar. I wrote like 5 songs but trashed them all. To be more clear it would be more like experimental power violence with keys.
I've browsed around a few collaboration sites but there tends not to be much Metal. It would be nice to get some collabs going here where people are at least roughly heading in the same direction.
I browse the TabIt forums, and there's almost always at least one collab in progress. Usually, one person just posts a riff or two, and then another random user will add something, and there's no real organization involved, so occasionally, two users will inadvertently follow up the same section with two completely different riffs, that are difficult to organize later on. There are also the occasional n00bs who will completely ruin a good collab by contributing garbage, because they don't know the first thing about music. Because of this, I enforce placeholders whenever I start a collab of my own, and edit every user's contribution to ensure a certain amount of tab "consistency."

Anyway, I'd estimate that the majority of the collabs on the site are metal. The TabIt program isn't actually intended for any specific style of music, but for some reason, metal seems to be the dominant style preference.

Here's an example of a metal collab that I started about two years ago. I've improved at writing since then, and presumably, so have the other seven members who contributed.
I tried to do a brutal death metal collab. But the guy bailed on me. Oh and about the experimenta blah blah punk. I am really stressing. I am trying to write stuff but I just suck at writing guitar. I wrote like 5 songs but trashed them all. To be more clear it would be more like experimental power violence with keys.
Could you at least post an example? I still have no idea what I should expect this to sound like, and no way of knowing if I'm interested in contributing.
I don't have an example because I can't do it all on my own. Punk/groove riffs, punk beats+blast beats, crazy psychedelic keyboard, and high pitched screams, and speed. Some of the stuff in your collab was really cool. I could see some of it suiting this genre.I also love horror stuff so there would be some of that in it too.
I don't have an example because I can't do it all on my own. Punk/groove riffs, punk beats+blast beats, crazy psychedelic keyboard, and high pitched screams, and speed. Some of the stuff in your collab was really cool. I could see some of it suiting this genre.I also love horror stuff so there would be some of that in it too.
Thanks, but I'm not asking for a finished product, that would completely defeat the point of a collab. If you could just post twenty to thirty seconds of a work in progress, that would be sufficient. I just want to hear the general sound, not see a full score :lol:
I've never really played much with Tab programs, tried a few to tab out guitar solos, but not whole songs. BMWG, there are some nice bits in that song you posted, could sound pretty good with some real guitars and drums (I'm assuming that was all programmed but there was a lot of distortion so hard to tell)

On most collab sites I've seen, the person who makes the original post uploads a basic track as a starting point and is generally in control of the overall project. That person will then request others to contribute guitars/drums/keys/whatever and assemble the final mix.

I've got a few busy weeks ahead, but like I said, I'm up for this sort of thing, if anybody wants to get the ball rolling in the meantime.