Does Death Suck?

yeah, I agree with Misanthrope. Age hasn't got that much to do with it. As long as your brain is fully developed and you've lived with music around you, then you should be able to write some awesome music as well.....
Originally posted by Misanthrope

Bullshit i still think you dont have to be 30 to be a great composer a 19 year old is perfectly capable of composing masterpieces, is just that 19 year olds dont CARE about composing masterpieces ( usually ) but it doesnt means they cant.

Agreed. Remember that Ihsahn was 16 / 17 when he wrote Inno A Satana, possibly my favorite black metal song of all time.

Age can bring experience, but all the experience in the world isn't going to make you a great songwriter. That ability is with you from the start and you've either got it or you haven't.

Lee B
Everyone has probably aready said this. But Death does NOT suck, Sound Of Perseverance, Symbolic, Human, Individual Thought Patterns are all proggy. But all Death rules reguardless. Chuck was godly on all of his works!
Originally posted by Useful Idiot
So, Satori, have you checked out any of Death's other albums yet? If so, what did you think?

No, not yet, it looks as though I'm going to have to place a special order for them cuz they keep selling out of them (they only stock a few at a time they said - bastards).

When I do get them I'll probably do a rant about them at some point, hehehe
