Jesus Loves Satori

Hey Black, nice kit!

What size is your bass drum? Are you toms pretty low, or is your snare just pretty high so it makes the toms look low?

I'm thinking your bass drum is 22" and you sit really high, maybe cuz you have long legs or something. I think this cuz your hat stand pin isn't too far above your hat cymbals.

What's the deal? ;)

PS: this thread is quite a blast from the past, hahah. Btw, the "weed" was a symbol for joy/happiness.
this is the biggest load of crap i've ever seen. How could this be even remotely connected with something as cool as opeth. this gives a bad name to metal heads. Why are some metal heads obsessed with criticising religion and sounding so damn terrified of it (and maybe even of becoming more positive people)? i'm certainly not saying organized religion represents a pure sense of positivity, but this is flat unintelligent fear. stop using weed to be lazy and pissed off, and get off ur ass and contribute something positive to the planet as opeth and music have done for us. Also why use such harsh swears when there maybe kids checking out the opeth chat area and have to hear this primitive forms of comunication and thus become a sarcastic, angry, aggressive twit like the rest of us.