Does DT depresses you?

King Chaos said:
DT are one of the most emo bands ever for me, but thats only 'cos Their music is soothing and all that jazz, so when I am down in the dumps I find it healing. When Im happy, it reminds me of some of the sadder times.

Hmmm DT emo...:OMG: ?...? Yeah, nice joke :loco:
Lethe always makes me feel sad. Which is why i listen to it so little, even though it's my favourite song of all times. But this way it's better, if i listened to it all the time the magic would be gone.
Also some other songs remind me of sad times, but in general DT doesn't depress me, it gives me an energetic vibe.
UndoControl said:
Just one question: Why is “Lethe” a sad or depressing song if it’s supposedly about alcohol? ;)


the thing is, i think it's tempting to interpret it as a love song since the alcohol theory kind of takes away the lyrical beauty of it and makes it merely, well, sad.

what makes me think it leans toward alcohol it that a lot of the metaphoric stuff (and, as you mentioned, the title itself) is connected to fluids. plus some things here and there, like the "forgetfulness empty and strong" and "sweep[ing] through the arteries..." (alcohol going into the blood).

not saying i object against your first impression, though, as you saw yourselft it's perfectly possible to interpret it both ways. :)
As it was right mentioned before - one of the most depressive songs is "Lethe". It's really so! These keyboards in the beggining of live version and words "You are my... You are my Lethe! You are my own!" really makes me cry. Another one for me is "Day To End", Michael's voice is so sad and alone there...

I would agree, "Lethe" is probably about love
Delirious: True, so true.. interpreting “Lethe” as alcoholism takes most of the beauty away from the song.. and yet it so hints at that... :\ Let’s ask Niklas which of the two interpretations was the song meant to have. ;)

King Chaos: I agree.

Lost-To-Apathy: I also like the live version of “Lethe” better than the album version. It’s not Michael who sings, though, it’s Mikael. Michael plays bass, he doesn’t sing. ;)
UndoControl said:
Delirious: True, so true.. interpreting “Lethe” as alcoholism takes most of the beauty away from the song.. and yet it so hints at that... :\ Let’s ask Niklas which of the two interpretations was the song meant to have. ;)

Well, I'm no Niklas and won't even pretend to know how he thinks, but my guess would be: both. In general, it seems he really likes to write lyrics with multiple meanings and multiple ways to interpret. Of course, Lethe could be an exception and perhaps he had a definitive meaning in his mind when he wrote it, but I doubt it.

Furthermore, I believe both the interpretations you mentioned could be combined: Love (and some other extreme emotions) can often be almost narcotic, and certainly addictive. When in love we drift into another world, so to speak, a world we sometimes can't leave behind, not even when we are no longer in love. And when we are not in love, we tend to (ab)use alcohol to get away from this reality, to forget this loveless world just for a short moment.

Villain said:
I believe both the interpretations you mentioned could be combined: Love (and some other extreme emotions) can often be almost narcotic, and certainly addictive. When in love we drift into another world, so to speak, a world we sometimes can't leave behind, not even when we are no longer in love. And when we are not in love, we tend to (ab)use alcohol to get away from this reality, to forget this loveless world just for a short moment.
Wow. Brilliant. That would make it even more beautiful than it was before alcohol, when it only was a love song. ;) And that would also make Niklas perhaps the most brilliant artist ever. Kudos to you, Villain, for raising that possibility. Let us leave it there and think of "Lethe" as one of DT's best songs and one of the best songs ever. :D
Villain said:
Well, I'm no Niklas and won't even pretend to know how he thinks, but my guess would be: both. In general, it seems he really likes to write lyrics with multiple meanings and multiple ways to interpret. Of course, Lethe could be an exception and perhaps he had a definitive meaning in his mind when he wrote it, but I doubt it.

Furthermore, I believe both the interpretations you mentioned could be combined: Love (and some other extreme emotions) can often be almost narcotic, and certainly addictive. When in love we drift into another world, so to speak, a world we sometimes can't leave behind, not even when we are no longer in love. And when we are not in love, we tend to (ab)use alcohol to get away from this reality, to forget this loveless world just for a short moment.


Yup, very true. I totally agree.
UndoControl, yes, I know. But Mikael very often calls himself as Michael so it has just stuck in my head :)

I just remembered that I've forgotten about one of the most sad, depressing and most favorite song... "Alone"! I "Alone" from the 1st album with Anders Friden on vocals. Doesn't that song depress you or make sad?

Strange enough but '94 version I like less than orginal...

And the lyrics... I really wanna shake Niklas hand for such sincere and deep lyrics!
I think that's only a question of taste. Mikael's lyrics are less poetic but, they are also more interesting (I think) in the images they express. Mikael's style is more modern and he oftens uses metaphors and images we've never seen before. Niklas wrote in a very romantic-era way and his song are simply beautiful (just think of "Shadow Duet" or "Tongues"). I don't think Niklas is a better writer, he's just different. Besides, Mikael also wrote songs with a style resembling Niklas', like "...Of Chaos and Eternal Night" and "Away, Delight, Away".
RampageSword said:
I think that's only a question of taste. Mikael's lyrics are less poetic but, they are also more interesting (I think) in the images they express. Mikael's style is more modern and he oftens uses metaphors and images we've never seen before. Niklas wrote in a very romantic-era way and his song are simply beautiful (just think of "Shadow Duet" or "Tongues"). I don't think Niklas is a better writer, he's just different. Besides, Mikael also wrote songs with a style resembling Niklas', like "...Of Chaos and Eternal Night" and "Away, Delight, Away".
I approve of this post.
Though I prefer Mikael's lyrics, Niklas's are (also) a great trip to fantastic worlds.
RampageSword said:
I don't think Niklas is a better writer, he's just different. Besides, Mikael also wrote songs with a style resembling Niklas', like "...Of Chaos and Eternal Night" and "Away, Delight, Away".
Apart from the fact that all writers are different and have their personal style, which noone can deny, i think the difference you're referring to has to do with the difference of the albums. The writing of those lyrics was like that because that's what was best and suited those certain albums. Mikael's current style suits the current albums. For me it would be very interesting to see Niklas write some lyrics for the new album.
Siren said:
Apart from the fact that all writers are different and have their personal style, which noone can deny, i think the difference you're referring to has to do with the difference of the albums. The writing of those lyrics was like that because that's what was best and suited those certain albums. Mikael's current style suits the current albums. For me it would be very interesting to see Niklas write some lyrics for the new album.

If Niklas writes for the new album will certainly be a great change!!! I don't dislike Mikael's lyrics, but maybe an album with both of them will be like...orgasm and :kickass: (together).