Does it bother anyone else that Mikael writes all of the music?


sock puppet
Oct 14, 2002
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I dunno.

It just sorta irks me that he writes all of the music. Probably because of the image I have in my head..

Which is Mikael and the guys showing up at the studio, and him saying "Peter, play this. Martin1, play this. Martin2, play this." and not really allowing for any free hands or anything from the other members. Which really sorta bothers me. If this is true, I wonder what Opeth would sound like if all of the members were actively involved in the songwriting process..
To my knowledge - when someone is the songwriter for a band, that doesn't necessarily mean they write every single note and drum fill...that doesn't mean the band is necessarily a democracy, but I don't think that means the rest of the band are simply hired guns either.
RogueSpirit said:
To my knowledge - when someone is the songwriter for a band, that doesn't necessarily mean they write every single note and drum fill...that doesn't mean the band is necessarily a democracy, but I don't think that means the rest of the band are simply hired guns either.
Yeah, I really hope not..

Anyone else?
He writes the foundations of the songs... the basic material, the basic riffs and everything in the studio is basically put together by the band as a whole... Mendez maybe adding his own bass touches, same with Lopez and of course Peter adding some of his own parts and solos.

I'm sure the band isn't as democratic as maybe it was in the Orchid era, but I don't think its strictly Mikael doing completely 100% everything.
I actually always wonder how this works out.
I can understand the "writing" thing with someone like Swanö or Tagtren,they do play every fucking instrument ever created,but with other bands I supposed the drummer improves a little bit,and the bass player adds some lines,the back up guitar helps or something.It's hard for me to believe that someone writes all the notes every instrument should play and that it sounds good after all.
manuelgv said:
I actually always wonder how this works out.
I can understand the "writing" thing with someone like Swanö or Tagtren,they do play every fucking instrument ever created,but with other bands I supposed the drummer improves a little bit,and the bass player adds some lines,the back up guitar helps or something.It's hard for me to believe that someone writes all the notes every instrument should play and that it sounds good after all.

Classical composers anyone? :)
Yeah but Mozart or Bach had no tv to distract them.
Besides they wrote lots of stuff for one instrument and not entire orchestral stuff,tho some did.
There is nothing strange with that ... i write the same way with my band ... i make riffs and later we arrange the riffs together as a band.
And i totally agree with Windom Pearlin in his statement ... :loco:
Yeh, you dont give writing credits to a guy who just writes his drum bits or something. In my band the guy to get writing credit is the guy who wrote most of the song, from there we can add whole sections, add second guitar parts that completely change the riff (etc etc), but if the basic ideas are still the same then the credit goes to the initial writer.
Just cuz one guy writes most the music, doesn't mean that's a bad thing. I read an interview with Peter describing the process. He said that Mikael's just good at what he does, why stop a man at something he excells at?

Plus, I've been in several bands in the past, and I can tell you that it's not like everybody's gonna be trying to take control of everything and everybody's gonna want to be in every ounce of every process. Writing music is only one part of being in a band, and just about everybody who's been in a band will tell you that other qualities come first. For a band to work you do need that one guy who is a control freak; any more than one and you have the clash that leads to breakups, any less than one and you have disorder eventually leading to nothing happening and therefore a breakup any how.

In some cases, band members submit close to an equal amount in the music writing process, but that's just some bands. Most bands have either primarily one, and other times two songwriters. Is there something wrong with that? I'd say no.

You might recall a very famous band opening up to the idea of adding other members of the their band to the song writing process; now I liked it, but the vast majority (or at least half) of their fans have critisized them for selling out. But I've always felt that to be a premature idea. Because when I listen to it, it just sounds like they gave more liberty to their song writing, and a natural place to progress after releasing so many tightly-knit albums. So much so their first release in a few years was just a few minutes short of filling the cd to capacity. And in the process, they lost a lot of their following and are now generally referred to as sell-outs.

So does everybody in a band have to write the music? Certainly not. I mean, I don't know any members of Opeth personally (though I wish I did!!), but I'd bet their styles are very different, and if I had to guess, trying to force a cohesive effort would probably just lead to an undesired sound. In the end, most great creations are lead by the vision of one man; because everybody else can't see what he sees, and what he's trying to accomplish, and so this one man arranges it so that it makes one beautifully unified masterpiece.

So back to the main topic at hand:

Does it bother anyone else that Mikael writes all of the music?

Not me. :)
Yeah, I think if 2 people have the general same idea or know which direction they're trying to take with the music, it could work. Orchid and Morningrise are of course great examples of that, Orchid being one of my favourites of all time. I've also noticed as Mikael has grabbed more control of the band, alot more of the harmony and counterpoint has disappeared.