Does Metal Have Positive or Negative Impact on Society?

I think you have a gay impact on this forum.

EDIT: But as a serious answer, I don't think it has the popularity to have any impact nowadays, other than a reason for parents of kids to cling to when they kill themselves, or others.
Here's a crude generalisation:

It gives people who don't give a shit about jockstrapary and fashion something to do other than kill everybody.
The impact it has on society is minor enough not to be measured objectively. Different people see more of the positives than the negatives, and vice versa, regardless of whether Metal actually has any impact. Some see it as a channel of rebellion, while others see it as just another genre of music, and should be respected as much as any other genre.
Metal is a positive for society because it gives them a scapegoat and something toward which they can unleash a campaign of fearmongering, and society loves a good scare.
Metal is a positive for society because it gives them a scapegoat and something toward which they can unleash a campaign of fearmongering, and society loves a good scare.


As long as kids go on killing other kids, killing themselves or shooting up schools, metal music will be there to blame for their actions.
The bottom line is no one has any statistics so anything anyone says is worthless.

That and the term "society" is too ambiguous. I'd imagine that if Metal had any influence on society, the level of positive or negative influence would vary from culture to culture. The impact Metal had on Norway is likely different than what it had on the United States.
That and the term "society" is too ambiguous. I'd imagine that if Metal had any influence on society, the level of positive or negative influence would vary from culture to culture. The impact Metal had on Norway is likely different than what it had on the United States.

Yes it probably have.

I think it seems to have an impact on those charts. You know "who sold the most records this month". Since most people buy or don't buy "records" on internett these days, the records on those charts are a bit strange. Like here DimmyBorgir had the top for a week or something. I few weeks ago a 50 year old veteran was at the top, and his records hasn't change much. It's just that old people and metalers continue to buy records.

Metal seems to have an impact since the fans for some reason continues to buy ordinary records. So the big companies suddenly wants to sign.
I think it's a stupid question. If the impact metal has on society as a whole can be measured, it would only be positive.


Well you know, if religious people would start planting bombs to get rid of metallers, I guess it's impact would be negative.

Well you know, if religious people would start planting bombs to get rid of metallers, I guess it's impact would be negative.

If that were to happend Gaahl and the likes would have a field day! :lol: