Does music effect to your movie tastiers?

I love the soundtracks to Caligari and Nosferatu. The Mouse Hunt and Eve's Bayou ones are okay, but not especially memorable.
Originally posted by Final_Vision
i have life of brian on dvd.......personally i couldnt stand it lol, holy grail was a lot better imo :grin:, i find this...difficult to comprehend ("he's not the messiah, he's a naughty little boy"). ah well. i love the french guy insulting king aurthur, "i blow my nose at you, i wave my genitals at your aunt, i fart in your general direction..."

and i forgot, one of my favourite movies, FIGHT CLUB.

the message in that is one i really love, getting away from the bullshit phoneiness in society and back to how humans are meant to exist (ironically typing this on a computer, but...)
dunno about the soundtracks which are usually shit anyway, but i got the crow one and its shit...(apart from the cure song -oh you smelly goth!)

my fave movies -

-l'appartement (v sad, stylish)
(both w/ vince cassel strangely - but v. diff!!! doh!)
-Leon (soundtrack to thats ok)
-Clerks (...'big black cocks with pearly white you have barney...?...') :lol:
-Life of Brian ('...Crucifixion?', 'no, paradise..', 'o that's nice..', blah blah... ' nah i'm only pullin your leg, crucifixion!') :lol: lol fuckin lol!!
- l'ennui (interesting!!)
-bram stokers drac.
- CHUCKIE!!!!!! (lets play hide the soul!)
- la vie revee des anges

ah damn there's too much!!

now the music vs film taste Q... i don't think they're related :rolleyes: not in my case anyhoo.... but then i'm increasingly liking more kinds of music!!!:eek: :bah:
Originally posted by Villain
There was a similar thread some time ago, but anyway, the best movie ever is no doubt:

THE SEVEN SAMURAI by Akira Kurosawa. Magnificent camera-work, great story and really stands the test of time (as it is several decades old).


I´m new....
Originally posted by RealHazard

I´m new....

Yeah, I know - and I didn't mean to flame you in any way. You just might want to check the earlier movie-thread - I don't remember the topic, but Mikael S. himself was there talking about the Lord of the Rings...

Originally posted by phyre

Hey... Now that you mention it, he (my avatar) IS quite similar to the real Pingu but actually he's just your average plastic toy penguin. I took that picture myself. He sits beside my computer. :)

I like the penguin, even if he is kinda freaky looking. Is he a good luck charm?
i normally love plasticine toys, and Pingu is not an exception :p

i think that avatar is cute :D
though phyre seems to have an obsession with penguins ;)
Originally posted by astarte
i normally love plasticine toys, and Pingu is not an exception :p

i think that avatar is cute :D
though phyre seems to have an obsession with penguins ;)

I think penguins are his sacred animal...
Penguins are better sacred animals than cats anyways.

I love penguins and plasticine toys... and stuffed animals. I have a huge collection of mouse and rat dolls.
and I just realised (got told of course) that penguins just existed in the south emisphere......I felt dumb....

@mousewings: stuffed animals??? I prefer them fried ;)
Originally posted by FatherVic
and I just realised (got told of course) that penguins just existed in the south emisphere......I felt dumb....

@mousewings: stuffed animals??? I prefer them fried ;)

Bullshit...lots of penguins walking around the streets of México :spin:
selling tamales and elotes :)))))

btw: are still raspados available there????
I've always thought someone should forbid thos sort of flavoured's so ehmmmm unhealthy!!!!
Originally posted by FatherVic
and I just realised (got told of course) that penguins just existed in the south hemisphere
yes, in fact i was one :D
the school uniform is dark blue with a white shirt :p

it's really annoying to be called a penguin all the time :heh:

@FatherVic: everybody loves Pingu and you do too. don't deny it ;)
Nah!!! you know I don't like Pingu....I find it the most annoying plasticine toy since Hulk Now On Plasticine TM toy!

you gotta wear uniform??? you're 18 aren't you????
when I lived in Mexico I had to wear this darkblue jacket and grey trousers...never understood why kids have to wear that shit!
kids are suposed to dres like kids and not like little adults outfits!
anyway, when I came to BCN my first two years were on a private school (in order I adapted to catalan little by little) and I had to wear this scarlet shirt and grey trousers. Needles to say that after that I got into a non_private school where I could wear just like a normal kid!!!! I weren't aloud to burn my old clothes (they wouldn't let me play with matches :( ) but I hated it to the core!!!

fathervic (seen millions of penguin documentals showing how do they breed but not telling they just exist in the southest shores!!!)
Originally posted by FatherVic
you gotta wear uniform???
not anymore :grin:

you're 18 aren't you????

when I lived in Mexico I had to wear this darkblue jacket and grey trousers...never understood why kids have to wear that shit!
here is the same uniform for boys, we had to use a stupid jumper.. i hated it.
dresses are really uncomfortable for the use we gave them :rolleyes:
you can't jump off windows, walls or gates in them :p

the reason they give us is, if all the kids dress the same there won't be difference of social classes or something like that. we don't have those 'popularity' issues like in american schools (if the movies don't lie)
Originally posted by FatherVic
selling tamales and elotes :)))))

btw: are still raspados available there????
I've always thought someone should forbid thos sort of flavoured's so ehmmmm unhealthy!!!!

Yup, still available, my mom never allowed me to try one of those, that's why I grew to be a bitter "humankind hating metal listener", thanks mom.

Seriously, what is NOT unhealthy in México City Fathervic?