Does music effect to your movie tastiers?

@fathervic: why are you so happy about being a ternerillo? is there some secret meaning of this word that I don't know?

@finalvision: that movie is about blaze or the other guy that replaced halford right? I don't like any of them.
@thanatos: coño, por que un ternerillo es chiquitín, y tiene una vida que consiste en dormir y comer, ojalá pudiera ser así ;)

@thanatos: well, it's not that I wanted to be a ternerillo, but I was you were so happy about it that I assume I was one ;)

fathervic (universal untranslator)
I heard somewhere that Rock Star was loosely based on Judas Priest and their hiring of the new singer. I don't think I would ever want to watch that movie. I don't really like watching new movies; my best friend made me watch "Moulin Rouge". Weirdly enough, I liked it.

I do agree with Thanatos that Christina Aguilera looked horrible in that music video. She looked like a drag queen. Fortunately, she isn't in the movie.

I used to afraid of horror movies when I was little, but grew out of being fearful. My family love watching horror movies in place of Disney movies for "family time", and I've watched them since I was 10. That doctor guy in House on Haunted Hill was freaky.

City of Lost Children
Dark City
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Rings
Nightmare before Christmas

There you go...felt I had to contribute here!

Mixing starts day after tomorrow btw....wohooo!
DARK CITY! That was an awesome movie, I havent seen that in a long time, thanks for reminding me Mikael.......that was a great movie. :rock:

Mouswings, well they never say judas priest in there, as a movie, I thought it was cool, oh well.

Mixing is starting tommorow? HOW LONG MUST WE WAIT FOR THE ALBUM!

Final_Vision: About to explode
I loved Dark City and Nightmare Before Christmas. I haven't seen them in a long time though... They were both very trippy...

Those stick clay creatures in Nightmare Before Christmas remind me of Edward Gorey drawings. That's why I love them.
haha well army of darkness is basically part of the evil dead serise heh
but i agree i like that one the best also
the first one is good because its so damn brutal.i like it when they chop the zombie up with the axe and you actually see it getting brutalized! hehehh:grin:
I should see this Evil Dead movie... sounds very gory and cool.

I've seen "Night of the Living Dead"... I also read "The Dawn of the Dead". I love those zombie movies...
yeah i have army of darkness on Laser Disc haha. That movie was funny as all hell when i was like 12, but I think I watched it recently and it just wasnt as funny............:confused:
same happened to me...AFTER entering this house of interaction I thought I was somehow ehmmmmm I'm a zombie the whole day....Ok I was a zombie even back to this, but at least I groaned some words, now I just can't do any sort of noises....